Title and Authors | Pages | Paper |
Listed firm's level of stakeholder transparency - The comply or explain evidence from the Danish corporate governance code Rose, C. Keywords: corporate governance, transparency, compliance, comply or explain, factor and cluster analysis |
1-15 | |
Interrelationships among Facets of Self, Motivation, and Conspicuous and Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Nguyen, T., Ngamsiriudom, W., Pelton, L., & Dubinsky, A. Keywords: facets of self, self discrepancy, intra-negotiation of self discrepancy, consumption behaviour, human motives |
16-31 | |
Context Specific Complexity Management - A recommendation model for optimal corporate complexity Schott, P., Horstmann, F., & Bodendorf, F. Keywords: complexity management, recommendation model, complexity drivers, law of requisite variety, scoring algorithm |
32-46 |