Title and Authors |
Pages |
Paper |
Broadening the focus of evaluation: An experiment Chakraborty, S., & Agarwal, S. Keywords: business communication, non-written skills, written skills, group discussion, evaluation |
1-13 |
Game design as marketing: How game mechanics create demand for virtual goods Hamari, J., & Lehdonvirta, V. Keywords: online games, social networking, virtual world, virtual goods, business model, sustainability, captology |
14-29 |
Driving online shopping: Spending and behavioral differences among women in Saudi Arabia Al-maghrabi, T., & Dennis, C. Keywords: internet shopping, e-shopping, technology acceptance, male and female examination, continuance online shopping, saudi arabia |
30-47 |
Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation Dobni, C.B. Keywords: innovation, competitive advantage, opportunity space, strategic innovation |
48-58 |
Book Review: E-Commerce 2009: Business, Technology, and Society Cheng, A.Y., Ping, T.A., & Cheng, E.H. Keywords: e-commerce, business, technology, society |
59-60 |