Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2014
The Role of Supply Chain Integration in the Relationship between
Market Orientation and Performance in SMEs
Simone Regina Didonet
Department of Business Administration, Federal University of Paraná
Av. Lothario Meissner, 632, Curitiba, Paraná/Brazil, Postal Code: 80210-170
Telephone: +55 41 3360 4365
José Roberto Frega
Department of Business Administration, Federal University of Paraná
Av. Lothario Meissner, 632, Curitiba, Paraná/Brazil, Postal Code: 80210-170
Telephone: +55 41 3360 4365
Ana Maria Machado Toaldo
Department of Business Administration, Federal University of Paraná
Av. Lothario Meissner, 632, Curitiba, Paraná/Brazil, Postal Code: 80210-170
Telephone: +55 41 3360 4365
Guillermo Díaz
Latin American Institute of Economics, Society and Politics
Federal University of Latin American Integration
Av. Tancredo Neves, 6731 Parque Tecnológico Itaipu, Bloco 6, Espaço 4, Sala 2
Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná/Brazil, Postal Code: 85867-970
Telephone: +55 45 3529 2149
The purpose of this paper is to verify the alignment between market orientation and supply chain integration
practices for improving performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A model of the
relationships between variables was derived from the literature. Data from 327 SMEs were analysed by
confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) to verify the relationships. The findings show that market orientation
indirectly and positively influences performance via supply chain integration. The direct relationship between
market orientation (MO) and supply chain integration (SCI) was also confirmed. Likewise, the relationship
between market orientation and supply chain integration was found to be strong and positive. The findings
suggest that the generation of information in market oriented SMEs favours their sharing information both inter-
and intra-organizational. A discussion of these findings, the implications for practice, and proposals for further
research are provided.
Keywords: market orientation, supply chain integration, performance, SMEs
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Since the beginning of the discussion surrounding market orientation (MO) in the early 1990s, there have
been many different studied regarding the phenomenon. Whithin which, stand out some more important aspects
and studies than others in the literature, and to the extent that research on MO advances, even more aspects of
the theme are discovered. For instance, there continue to be inconsistent results regarding the MO-performance
relationship (see Langerak, 2003; Raju, Lonial, & Crum, 2011; Liao, Chang, Wu, & Katrichis, 2011). This
relationship has been considered the starting point of research since the initial theoretical propositions of Narver
and Slater (1990) and Kohli and Jaworski (1990). As to inconsistent results in the MO-performance relationship,
Langerak (2003) concluded that the weak or non-existent association between the two reported in different
studies is due to the variety of scales used in measuring the concepts, the context in which the research takes
place, i.e. different countries, and the type of sample used, i.e. cross-sectional, single-corporation survey, etc.
Furthermore, despite the number of studies about MO and its relationship to performance, little is known about
the scope of the concept relationships beyond the limits of the organization. Research that relates MO to inter-
firm practices and the result of both on performance remain incipient (Cambra-Fierro, Florin, Perez, &
Whitelock, 2011). This is the case of the relationships among MO, supply chain management (SCM) and
performance (Jüttner, Christopher, & Godsell, 2010). As Min, Mentzer, and Ladd (2007, p.508) point out
“despite apparent logical association between MO and SCM concepts and the possible mediating role of SCM
concepts in the MO-performance link, there have been few, if any, attempts to investigate MO in a supply chain
To insert SCM discussion in the MO context implies to recognize that, in order to respond to customer
needs - and consequently achieve better performance - firms not only have to manage their own resources and
capabilities, but they are dependent on the resources and capabilities of supplying firms (Kibbeling, Bij, &
Weele, 2013; Green, Whitten, & Inman, 2012). Kibbeling et al. (2013, p.500) state that firms now realize that
“some value-creating activities are carried out in the supply chain beyond the firm’s direct control”. Therefore,
the ability to integrate and coordinate activities across the supply chain becomes crucial to satisfying the
demands of the ultimate customers of the supply chain (Green et al., 2012). This means, that MO key concepts
become a supply chain concern as they move beyond the boundaries of the individual firm (Baker, Simpson, &
Siguaw, 1999; Min et al., 2007; Martin & Grbac, 2003). Furthermore, MO can affect firm performance by
influencing its supply chain management (Green, McGaughey, & Casey, 2006).
Despite mutual benefits of a close alignment between market orientation and supply chain management
(Jütner et al., 2010), research on MO and SCM have been developed in parallel to each other and there have
been few studies that emphasize the joint effects of the practices on business results (Green et al., 2012). Among
studies that have examined market orientation in a supply chain setting, a group of researchers focus on how
market orientation influences buyer-supplier relationships (Siguaw, Simpson, & Baker, 1998; Langerak, 2001;
Kibbeling et al., 2013). Other researchers oriented their studies to understand the mediating role of SCM in the
relationship between market orientation and organizational performance (Min et al., 2007; Green et al., 2006).
In addition, the role of supply chain management in leveraging a firm´s market orientation has been also studied
(Martin & Grbac, 2003; Jütner et al., 2010; Liu, Ke, Wei & Hua, 2013).
In the few relationships established between MO and SCM, the studies reinforce the importance of supply
chain management and/or its integrating concepts, that is, supply chain orientation and supply chain
management (Min et al., 2007), but do not explore specific aspects such as supply chain integration (SCI) (Liu
et al., 2013). SCI is oriented to coordinating intra- and inter-organizational information flows by means of
adopting information technologies (Kim, 2006) and can integrate a SCM perspective in firms (Min et al., 2007).
Considering that the flow of information in the supply chain facilitates intra and inter-firm integration and
that this flow is facilitated by MO (Martin & Grbac, 2003; Liu et al., 2013), exploring the practices of supply
chain integration and their relationship to market orientation seems to be a natural route in this process. This is
specifically important if we consider that market oriented firms are able to respond better to the requirements of
their customers through the information obtained from the market and shared within the firm in a coordinated
manner (Kohli & Jaworski, 1990; Narver & Slater, 1990).
Liu et al. (2013) studied the effect of SCI and two dimensions of market orientation, i.e. customer and
competitor orientation on performance in large and SMEs firms. In their research model, both dimensions of
MO moderate the relationship between SCI and performance. However, the referred authors did not explore the
entire MO construct in this relationship and did not considered the opposite side, i.e., how MO can leverage SCI
and how can both improve firm performance. Evidence is needed on this perspective, since MO helps the firm
to produce and store market information needed to build and maintain collaborative relationships with other
firms in the supply chain (Min et al., 2007). Likewise, there is even less research dedicated to deepen
knowledge of the relationships between the two themes and the performance of firms in specific contexts of
analysis, as it is in the case of SMEs, and specific countries as well.
Simone Regina Didonet, José Roberto Frega, Ana Maria Machado Toaldo and Guillermo Díaz
Studying MOSCI-performance relationships in different contexts and countries should report different
results and help the understanding of MO formation in firms (Langerak, 2003; Ellis, 2007). This can also help
the understanding of the practice and structure of SCM in a specific context, i.e. country (Chow et al., 2008).
To summarize, the MO-SCM-Performance relationship was not sufficiently explored in prior studies, and
even less studies refer specific concepts of SCM, i.e. supply chain integration in this relationship. Furthermore,
little is known about this relationship in SMEs and in developing countries as it is in the case of Chile.
Based on these considerations, this study tries to fill a part of this research gap by examining the mediating
role of supply chain integration in the MO-Performance relationship. Following previous studies in a supply
chain-market orientation relationship context (Min et al, 2007; Green et al, 2006; Kibbeling et al., 2013; Liu et
al., 2013; Martin & Grbac, 2003; Jütner et al., 2010; Siguaw et al, 1998; Langerak, 2001), we focus on a specific
SME context for analysis in Chile, South America. Therefore, the objective of this work is to verify the role of
SCI in the MO-Performance relationship in Chilean SMEs.
Specifically, SMEs are an interesting context of analysis as they are considered inherently vulnerable in the
reliance on SCM partners for relation-based rents (Arend & Wisner, 2005) instead of obtaining advantage
through relationships between customers and suppliers in the supply chain (Bordonaba-Juste & Cambra-Fierro,
2009). Thus, SMEs can take advantage of both MO and SCI activities to compensate for their vulnerabilities in
the supply chain. In this sense, studying this group of firms can generate insights in terms of the balance that
SMEs can obtain between both perspectives and how this can improve their organizational performance.
Chile also offer an interesting context for the study due to its macroeconomic profile. The country occupies
first place among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in the global competitiveness ranking of the
World Economic Forum (2013). Sustainable economic growth, commercial openness, macroeconomic stability,
institutional efficiency and transparency are some of the aspects that justify Chile's leadership in the region
(World Economic Forum, 2013). Additionally, the country’s openness index indicates that Chile has an
exposure level of 70 percent to international trade (Milesi, Moori, Robert, & Yoguel, 2007), which can be
translated into greater competitiveness for its domestic industry. As for SMEs, they contribute a total of 13
percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) and provide 38 percent of the total employment
according to the 2006 data from the National Institute of Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estadística [INE],
2008). In the northern region of Chile, SMEs contribute 7.4 percent of the GDP of the district of Antofagasta,
where the study was conducted.
The article proceeds in the following manner. In the next section, we present the theoretical framework and
the study hypotheses of the research, followed by the methodology used. Subsequently, we present the analysis
and discussion of the results found and finally present the managerial implications based on the results and the
limitations and future research directions.
The theoretical foundations for the relationships between market orientation, supply chain integration and
organizational performance can be based on the configuration theory and the boundary theory.
According to the configuration theory, a configuration represents any multidimensional constellation of
distinct attributes inside or outside the organization that occur together within an unifying theme (Meyer, Tsui,
& Hinings, 1993). Configurations are generated by exogenous organizational forces, e.g. environmental
selection for competitive fitness, and by endogenous pressures towards uniform configurations, e.g. functional
relationships among organizational components (Meyer et al., 1993). Hence, the configuration approach
involves identifying dominant gestalts or configurations of observable characteristics or behaviors that may lead
to a particular performance outcome (Ward, Bickford, & Leong, 1996; Ketchen, Thomas, & Snow, 1993). As
Hambrick (1984) notes, these gestalts clarify how strategic attributes work in combinations and often indicate an
entire group of strategies that is associated with high performance in a given setting.
The boundary theory involves the discussion about boundaries and boundary roles. The former are a
defining characteristic of organizations. The last ones are the link between the environment and the organization
concerning resource acquisition and disposal (Aldrich & Herker, 1977). The boundary theory confirms the
importance of the environment as a contingency factor and identifies boundary-spanning activities (Jemison,
1984). These activities link the organization with its environment and are related with a better organizational
performance (Dollinger, 1984). They are commonly considered in relation with suppliers and/or customers in
the marketing literature (e.g. Stock, 2006; Singh, 1998; Stock & Zacharias, 2011).
Both configuration and boundary theories contribute to this study: the configuration theory indicates the
need to consider organizational arrangements, i.e. configurations, in order to obtain high performance. We
consider the combination of MO and SCM resources as a configuration of organizational resources in order to
obtain better performance. The boundary theory relates the links that are established between environment and
organizations through boundary-spanning activities in order to acquire resources and disposal. MO and SCM
present some boundary-spanning activities as they combine external and internal resources in their development.
Both theories indicate implications for organizational performance that are applied in this study to develop
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hypotheses about the relationship between MO and SCM activities, i.e. supply chain integration, and their
impact on performance.
The test model of this research (Figure 1) comprises three constructs: market orientation, supply chain
integration, and organizational performance.
Figure 1: Test Model
Market Orientation in SMEs
Customer Orientation
Competitor Orientation
Interfunctional Coordination
Supply Chain Integration
in SMEs
Inter-organizational Supply Shain
Intra-organizational Supply Chain
Performance in SMEs
Net Profit
Market Share
Market Performance
Market orientation is composed of customer orientation, competitor orientation and interfunctional
coordination (Narver & Slater, 1990). Supply chain integration comprises practices of supply chain integration
by means of the use of information technology (IT) both within firms and between firms (Kim, 2006; Bayraktar
et al., 2010; Welker, Van der Vaart, & Van Donk, 2008). The organizational performance dimension considers
net profit as a variable of financial performance (Kim, 2006), market share (Zhou, Yim & Tse., 2005) and
market performance as measures of overall performance (Slater & Narver, 1994).
2.1 Market Orientation in a SME context
Market oriented firms respond better to the requirements of their customers through the information
obtained from the market and shared within the firm in a coordinated manner (Kohli & Jaworski, 1990). This
practice allows for improving business results, whether in the context of large enterprises (Slater & Narver,
1994; Jaworski & Kohli, 1993; Panigyrakis & Theodoridis, 2007; Menguc & Auh, 2006) or in SMEs (Pelham,
2000; Martin, Martin & Minillo, 2009). In this sense, MO is considered a unique and inimitable resource, which
is able to conduct business to create superior value and competitive advantages (Hsieh, Tsai, & Wang, 2008;
Hult, Ketchen, & Slater, 2005). The theoretical background of this argument is the resource-based view of the
firm (RBV) (Wernerfelt, 1984). This argument is also related to the configuration and boundary theories in the
same way as MO configures resources in order to contribute to better organizational performance and combines
external and internal resources for developing its activities.
For SMEs, MO can mean better abilities to compete with large companies in industries with high growth
and high profit margins (Pelham, 2000). Furthermore, it helps SMEs in commodity industries that are
characterized by low levels of market segmentation and little product variety (Pelham, 2000). Taking into
account the possible homogeneity of products in commodity industries, MO is useful in the search for
differentiation (Verhees & Meulenberg, 2004) based on the ability of SMEs to approach their customers and
generate knowledge about the market. This ability arises from the capacity for adjustment and the facility to
change, that are characteristics of small businesses (Appiah-Adu & Singh, 1998). Likewise, MO in SMEs
represents a rapid response to consumer dissatisfaction, the development of strategies based on the creation of
value to the customers, immediate response to competitive challenges and rapid detection of changes in
consumer preferences (Pelham, 2000). Equally, market oriented SMEs have internal processes of support to the
consumer that involve the development of products made to measure for the client, which means encouraging
incremental product innovation as the basis of the response to customers (Golann, 2006). In addition, MO is an
important facilitator of flexible planning in SMEs, as well as improving the performance of enterprises in
dynamic environments (Alpkan, Yilmaz & Kaya, 2007). In fact, the more market-oriented SMEs are, the more
they are able to adjust themselves to these environments (Didonet, Simmons, Díaz-Villavicencio, & Palmer,
Simone Regina Didonet, José Roberto Frega, Ana Maria Machado Toaldo and Guillermo Díaz
2.2 Supply Chain Integration in SMEs
The supply chain literature has explored a group of concepts related with supply chain management, i.e.
supply chain orientation, supply chain management, and supply chain integration (e.g. Min et al., 2007; Kim,
2006; Liu et al., 2013). Supply chain management represents cooperative actions with other firms based on
multilateral efforts to manage supply chain processes (Min et al., 2007); supply chain orientation is a unilateral
policy of the firm based on interactions with supply chain partners (Min et al. 2007; Schulze-Ehlers, Steffen,
Bush, & Spiller, 2014); supply chain integration refers to the degree to which a firm coordinates intra- and inter-
organizational processes with channel partners in a collaborative way (Liu et al., 2013; Kim, 2006). Essentially,
supply chain integration is associated with firm information sharing and operational coordination with channel
partners and the degree to which partners are provided with information that might help them (Liu et al., 2013).
The central argument of SCI is that all of the individual organizations that comprise the supply chain
should be managed as a single entity a complete system (Li, Zhao, Tan, & Liu., 2008). The theoretical
foundation for this argument can be the value chain model, which refers the linkages within firm’s value chain
and the linkages among the firms in the value chain (Porter, 1980). In addition, this argument can be based on
configuration and boundary theories considering that SCI represents value chain activities which are oriented to
generate better firm performance and also combines external and internal resources in doing so.
The supply chain integration contributes not only to improve partner-related routines and processes through
collaboration but also to respond to technological and market changes (Rosenzweig, 2009). In doing so, SCI can
improve organizational performance either in large or small firms (Li et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2013; Frohlich &
Westbrook, 2001; Kim, 2009; Bayraktar et al., 2010). In the context of SMEs, the SCI activities e.g.
information sharing and operational coordination - are also positively related with innovation activities (Redoli,
Mompó, García-Díez & López-Coronado, 2008; Drayse, 2011; Didonet & Díaz, 2012) and market orientation
perspective (e.g. Liu et al., 2013; Martin & Grbac, 2003).
3.1 The Relationship between Market Orientation and Supply Chain Integration in SMEs
Discussing the supply chain risk management literature, Singhal, Agarwal and Mittal (2011) suggested that
market orientation factors such as customer expectations, market fluctuations, competitor moves, etc, are
significant to characterize the risk issues in a supply chain. MO can also affect business performance by
influencing its supply chain management (Min et al., 2007).
The Martin and Grbac (2003) research findings suggest that sharing information among the different
functional areas of the firm is a meeting point between market orientation and supply chain relationships in
SMEs (Martin & Grbac, 2003). According to the authors, “customer and supplier-oriented information help to
build strong supplier relationships because different functional areas of the firm are given market information”
(Martin & Grbac, 2003, p.34). As Murray, Gao & Kotabe (2011) evidenced in their study, high levels of within-
organizational communication of different functions create the appropriate environment for market orientation
activities to be performed more effectively (Murray et al., 2011) which could contribute to better supply chain
performance. Davis and Golicic (2010) research findings also revealed that the firm´s ability to deploy an
information technology infrastructure in support of the market orientation activities contribute to a comparative
advantage in supply chain relationships.
Furthermore, Liu et al. (2013) research findings in SMEs and large firms revealed that supply chain
integration is improved by customer orientation and competitor orientation, which are both dimensions of
market orientation. This occurs because SCI enables firms to obtain knowledge to serve better customers from
its supply chain partners (Liu et al., 2013). According to the authors, “the firm with customer orientation
perceives the value of SCI and exerts effort in leveraging SCI to enhance its operational efficiency and
effectiveness” (Liu et al., 2013, p.329). Thus, we hypothesized:
H1: MO directly and positively influences SCI in SMEs.
3.2 Market Orientation, Supply Chain Integration and Performance in SMEs
Lado, Paulraj and Chen (2011) research findings revealed positive associations among customer services,
financial performance, relational capabilities, and focus on the customer (one of the dimensions of MO) in
medium and large firms. The focus on the customer positively impacts on supply chain relational capabilities
and customer service (Lado et al., 2011; Zhou, Brown & Dev, 2009). Likewise, supply chain relational
capabilities have a positive relation with customer service, and the latter in turn positively affects the financial
performance of firms (Lado et al., 2011).
The results of the research by Min et al. (2007) indicated that MO-firm performance is mediated by supply
chain orientation (one SCM dimension). Green et al. (2006) observed a positive support for the path MO-SCM-
Performance in their study. Exploring two different dimensions of organizational performance, i.e., marketing
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performance and financial performance, the authors found that supply chain management strategy mediate the
impact of MO on marketing performance (Green et al., 2006).
Liu et al. (2013) suggest that customer orientation is an important activator in the influencing processes of
SCI on organizational performance in SMEs. As indicated in the findings of the authors, the greater the
customer and competitor orientations, the stronger the relationship between SCI and SMEs performance is (Liu
et al., 2013). Considering that customer and competitor orientations are sometimes encompass in the composite
construct of market orientation (Narver & Slater, 1990), we hypothesized:
H2: SMEs MO indirectly and positively influences the organizational performance of SMEs via SCI.
3.3 Supply Chain Integration and Performance in SMEs
The results of the study by Martin and Grbac (2003) evidenced that stronger supplier relationships are
directly and positively associated to higher performance of SMEs. Findings from Min et al. (2007) indicated that
SCM is positively associated to performance when MO and supply chain orientation are not involved in the
In particular, Liu et al. (2013) examined two dimensions of supply chain integration, i.e. operational
coordination and information sharing, in SMEs and found that the operational coordination has a positive
relationship with business performance. Information sharing, in turn, has a positive influence in operational
performance (Liu et al., 2013). Thus, we hypothesized:
H3: Supply chain integration positively influences the organizational performance among SMEs
4.1 Sampling and Data Collection
The data used in this study were taken from the database of the project 'Demography of the Regional Small
and Medium size Enterprises', undertaken by researchers at the Entrepreneurship and SME Center at
Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile. The current database employs a sample of 550 micro and small to
medium-sized companies in the district of Antofagasta, northern Chile. The criterion adopted for the definition
of SME was the sales volume of each company, according to the government criterion in Chile. In accordance
with this criterion, a SME has an annual sales volume of no less than US$ 104,375.00, and no more than US$
4,348,980.00 (reference values in Chilean pesos, the national currency, converted to US dollars according to the
exchange rate of 15th July, 2014). Considering this criterion and excluding micro firms and missing values, a
sample of 327 SMEs was considered valid for this study. Of the 327 SMEs researched, 270 were small
enterprises (82.6%) and 57 corresponded to the category of medium sized enterprises (17.4% of the total).
The data was collected between September 2009 and August 2010 via a cross-sectional survey. The
questionnaires were administered by a team of interviewers via personal interviews with directors or owners of
SMEs. Once they completed the questionnaire component, the project coordinator followed up the work of the
interviewers by randomly selecting and then telephoning some of the businesses to confirm the data obtained.
This procedure ensured control over the work carried out and guaranteed the reliability of the information.
4.2 Variables and Measurement Model
As shown in Figure 1, three constructs were considered in the measurement model: market orientation,
supply chain integration, organizational performance. The variables of market orientation correspond to the
three dimensions of the construct defined by Narver and Slater (1990), that is, customer orientation, competitor
orientation and interfunctional coordination. The variables of SCI include intra- and inter-organizational
practices associated with the flow of products and information in the supply chain, and developed with the
contribution of information technology (Kim, 2006; Bayraktar et al., 2010). The variables associated with
performance include net profit as a measurement of financial performance (Kim, 2006), and market share (Zhou
et al., 2005) and market performance as measures of overall performance. Market performance was measured as
the evaluation of the owner of the firm over the position of the firm in the market in relation to the competition
(Slater & Narver, 1994).
The variables of the Supply Chain Integration were originally measured in a continuous scale of seven
points, ranging between the extremes of ‘never’ and ‘always’. Redoli et al. (2008) and Li et al. (2008) use a
similar approach to carry out their research in similar themes. Respondents were asked to indicate the intensity
of integration in the supply chain, at one extreme ‘1’ being considered “I never use IT for post sales service” and
at other, ‘7’ being considered “I always use IT for post sales service”. The respondents could mark any point in
the scale.
The same continuous scale was used for measuring market orientation variables. However, the extremes of
‘strongly disagree’ and ‘strongly agree’ were the range used in this case.
Simone Regina Didonet, José Roberto Frega, Ana Maria Machado Toaldo and Guillermo Díaz
A four-point scale was used for the variables of performance that considered the response options: 0 =
don’t know; 1 = has decreased; 2 = has stayed the same; 3 = has increased. For example, the respondents were
asked to indicated the market share of their firm in the last two year, at one extreme ‘0’, ‘don’t know the
situation of the market share of my firm’ and at the other extreme, ‘the market share of my firm has increased’.
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (using AMOS 18 software) was used to verify the relationship among
market orientation, supply chain integration and performance in SMEs, after verifying the reliability of the scale
with Cronbach’s alpha (MO = .79; SCI = .69; PERF = .82). In this previous analysis of the data, the variable
‘market performance’ was discarded from the organizational performance dimension due to the low alpha of the
construct. The final Cronbach’s alpha result is now acceptable for further analysis, in particular when
considering reflective constructs as it is the case of this research (Petter, Straub, & Rai, 2007).
In addition, correlations among the observed variables were verified. The results showed three correlations
between 0.6 and 0.73 and nothing higher than 0.73, which can be considered reasonable for subsequent analysis
(Lin & Chen, 2005).
Second order factors were considered for the MO and SCI constructs. They were previously defined based
on the literature and ratified by an exploratory factorial analysis. This is appropriate when the latent variables
are formed by a large number of indicators (Bagozzi & Yi, 2012). Thus, market orientation was represented by
the dimensions customer orientation, competition orientation and inter-functional coordination. SCI was
represented by the dimensions intra-organizational supply chain integration and inter-organizational supply
chain integration. Convergent and discriminant validities were verified by comparing the models, as indicated
by Widaman (1985) and Byrne (2010) in such case. Model 0 was defined by individual items as a unique factor
in a construct. For model 1, individual items were loaded on 1 first order factor. Model 2 was defined by
individual items loaded on any one of the appropriate first order factors that, in turn, are loaded on the second
order factor. The significant improvements in adjusting model 0 for model 1 confirmed the convergent validity,
and the improvements in adjusting model 1 for model 2 confirmed the discriminant validity of the three
constructs (Widaman, 1985). Results for convergent and discriminant validity tests are shown in Table 1.
Table 1.Model comparisons for convergent and discriminant validity tests
Diff Chi-sq
Model 0
Model 1
Model 2
Once the validity of the proposed model was tested, adjustments were made to the dimensions of the
constructs to ensure statistical significance. Four variables were eliminated in the client orientation dimension
with the market orientation construct, owing to the low statistical significance in the confirmatory analysis.
Rhee, Park and Lee (2010) made a similar treatment for the variables of the MO construct, considering the
adjustment of the scale to the specific context of the analysis and different sizes of enterprises. Likewise, one
variable was eliminated from the supply chain intra-organizational construct.
5.1 Common Method Bias
A common method bias may occur considering the fact that all the measures of the constructs were
collected from the same source (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2003). This potential problem was
checked with the Harman one-factor test (Podsakoff & Organ, 1986). A factor analysis of focal variables
resulted in the six focal factors with eigen values greater than 1, which accounted for 58.9% of the total
variance. The first factor accounted for 19.6% of the variance. Because a single factor did not emerge and factor
1 did not explain most of the variance, common method bias is unlikely to be a concern in the data.
We also examined the data for empirical evidence of common method bias by applying the single-
common-method-factors approach, as recommended by Podsakoff et al. (2003, p.898). We conducted a CFA
which included a construct representing an unmeasured methods factor. Each variable was specified to load onto
this factor in addition to its theoretical construct. The results showed all item loading significantly on its
intended theoretical construct, with no load in the unmeasured methods factor, excepting two items that
represent the MO construct. Despite this potential problem, we decided to maintain both MO variables in the
SEM model. In doing so, we established a correlation between them, which allowed a good fit of the model.
Overall, the item loadings were substantially higher on their intended construct than on the unmeasured methods
factor and we can conclude that common method bias does not appear to be a problem in the study.
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5.2 Results and Discussion
Taking MO and SCI into account as second order factors and PERF as a first order factor, the model with
final adjustments showed good adjustment indices (Bagozzi & Yi, 2012). The relationships were calculated
considering the direct and indirect effects among the constructs.
Table 2 exhibit the overall results for relationships established in Figure 1, including the adjustment
indices of the model.
Total Effect
Direct Effect
Indirect Effect
GFI = .918 CFI = .921 RMSEA = .056 PCLOSE > .05
Note: ***p<.01; **p<.05; *p<.10
Based on the results noted in Table 2 (standardized coefficients), market orientation significantly and
positively influences supply chain integration. The p-value of .01 and the positive coefficient of .336 confirm
this influence, which leads to accepting H1. Min et al. (2007), Zelbst, Green, Abshire, and Sower (2010), Green
et al (2006) and Martin and Grbac (2003) found similar results on the relationship between MO and supply
chain management, showing that MO positively affects supply chain management and actions and practices
related to it.
Considering the initial assumption that MO indirectly and positively affects performance via SCI, the
results allow us to accept H2. However, although the p-value = .05 confirms a high significance for the
relationship, the coefficient reveals a low indirect influence of MO on performance. Taking into account this
low result, we tested the mediating role of SCI in the MO-Performance relationship as indicated by Baron and
Kenny (1986). According authors, some conditions must hold to prove the mediating role of a variable in a
model: the independent variable must affect the mediator; the independent variable must affect the dependent
variable; and, the mediator must affect the dependent variable (Baron and Kenny, 1986). This means that;
market orientation (the independent variable in the model) must influence SCI (the mediator) and performance
(the dependent variable). Also, SCI must affect performance. Following these considerations, we tested the
influence of MO on Performance. The result revealed a null direct relationship between both constructs as well,
which can partially explained the low coefficient verified in H2. The non-impact of MO on SMEs performance
corroborates prior SMEs studies on the theme (see Laukkanen, Nagy, Hirvonen, Reijonen, & Pasanen, 2013;
Eggers, Kraus, Hughes, Laraway, & Snycerski, 2013). This result is somewhat unexpected considering the
importance of MO to firm performance although some inconsistencies in this relationship has been reported in
previous studies (see Raju et al., 2011; Liao et al., 2011; Langerak, 2003). However, our result attests the
importance of MO in influencing performance through mediating variables. This finding gives support to
Demirbag, Koh, Tatoglu, and Zaim (2006) and Keskin (2006) research findings, which reported a non-direct
impact of MO on SME performance but revealed a positive indirect MO-SME performance relationship when
the analysis included total quality management implementation, firm innovativeness, and learning orientation as
mediating variables. Moreover, the relatively low impact of SCI in PERF is another aspect that can influence
this result. Thus, based on Baron and Kenny (1986) assumptions, the mediating role of SCI in the MO-
Performance relationship cannot be proved in the model.
In regard to the H3, result of this study reveals that supply chain integration influences the performance of
SMEs and leads to accept H3. Despite positive relationship between constructs, the only marginal significance
of the SCI-performance path (p<.10) leads to be cautious in making claims based on this result and calls for the
need of further investigation. Furthermore, the coefficient of 0.157 shows the relatively low intensity of
influence. Based on this result, we could suppose that this weak relationship reveals the incipience of the SCM
practices in the studied SMEs (Didonet & Díaz, 2012) and the consequent difficulty of SMEs in understanding
and benefitting from the broad proposal of SCM (Arend & Wisner, 2005). As noted by Didonet and Díaz (2012,
p. 105), Chilean SMEs present deficiencies in their integration in SCM which “can raise difficulties in the
exchange of technology and be resulting in poorer performances than what can potentially be expected.” The
result of this study corroborates this assumption. In general, SCM literature reveals SMEs difficulties in
adopting information technologies (IT) which are the base of sharing information in the SCI (Stefansson, 2002;
Eagan, Clancy, & O’Toole, 2003; Bayraktar et al., 2009). The result can be the loss of competitiveness by SMEs
and, consequently, poor performance (Kauremaa, Karkkainen, & Ala-Risku, 2009). Independent of this specific
context, the finding is an attempt to indicate the importance of integrating the supply chain for the firm
performance as revealed in previous studies (Min et al., 2007; Green et al., 2006).
Simone Regina Didonet, José Roberto Frega, Ana Maria Machado Toaldo and Guillermo Díaz
This study provides empirical evidence regarding the importance of supply chain integration in the
relationship between market orientation and performance in SMEs. This research extends MO and SCM
literature in SMEs, as it explore a specific dimension of SCM, i.e. supply chain integration, in the MO-
Performance relationship. Supply chain integration was related to inter- and intra-organizational activities of
information sharing in supply chain. Findings revealed that greater market orientation leads to a stronger supply
chain integration in SMEs. Likewise, supply chain integration has a direct and positive impact on SMEs
organizational performance. Furthermore, market orientation indirectly and positively influences organizational
performance in SMEs through supply chain integration.
The current research contributes to theory building in terms of highlighting the importance of supply chain
integration in the relationship between market orientation and organizational performance in SMEs. This adds
knowledge about how MO affects business performance, one perspective that is still inconclusive in the
literature (Langerak, 2003; Raju et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2011). Specifically, this research infers that market
orientation indirectly affects SMEs performance through supply chain integration. This is consistent with
previous empirical results which revealed that, in the specific context of SMEs, the performance is improved by
a combination of MO and other intermediate variables (Demirbag et al., 2006; Keskin, 2006).
6.1 Research Implications
This study contributes to and complements previous ones (Min et al., 2007; Jüttner et al., 2010; Ellis, 2007;
Zelbst et al., 2010; Green et al., 2006; Martin & Grbac, 2003; Lado et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2013) from various
Firstly, we responded to recent discussions about the need to integrate marketing and supply chain
strategies to generate higher value for the customer (Kibbeling et al., 2013; Green et al., 2006; Jüttner et al.,
2010; Min et al., 2007; Jraisat, 2011). The findings of this study confirm that MO could be a way to obtain
better business performance via integration of other practices beyond the limits of the firm, as in the case of
supply chain integration. The generation of information in market oriented SMEs favors the integration of firms
with their customers and suppliers and the integration of internal functions associated with the flow of products.
This is in line with the perspective of MO as a strategic orientation that help firms to understand customers
needs (Lamberti & Paladino, 2013). The understanding of these needs implies to share information among
supply chain partners - including the customers - which is one of the most important aspects of supply chain
management (Hsu, Kannan, Tan & Leong, 2008).
Furthermore, the MO-SCI relationship allows the connection of firms in a supply chain and to orient
themselves to the customer´s needs and, consequently, to obtain better organizational performance. Thus, the
SCI is one way for understanding the role of MO beyond the limits of the firm, and some mechanisms that
improve the MO-Performance relationship. Considering that market orientation cannot be considered separately
from inter-organizational relationships (Webster, 1992), SCI could be a value-creating activity that helps firms
to respond the customer needs and consequently achieve better performance (Kibbeling et al., 2013; Green et
al., 2012).
Secondly, this research contributes to previous studies about MO-Performance relationship by examining
the role of supply chain integration in this context. It helps the understanding of “how” MO influences
performance in organizations. As Langerak (2003, p. 459) pointed out, “the inconsistencies in studies looking
for if (i.e. direct effect) and when (i.e. moderating effect) market orientation has positive effects on business
performance induced researchers to examine how (i.e. mediating effect) market orientation influences business
performance”. In regard to this, the strong relationship between MO and SCI leads one to assume that MO
moves beyond the boundaries of an individual firm through the information flow (that is the base of SCI).
Otherwise, instead of the positive indirect effect of MO on performance through SCI, the mediating role of SCI
in MO-performance relationship could was not proved in the studied SMEs.
Finally, this study reveals a specific context of analysis, whose market conditions and political and legal
context contribute to understanding the results of the null relationship between MO and performance. According
to Ellis (2007), market orientation is affected by the location of the firm, that is, the firm’s geographic context
can be favorable or unfavorable to its market orientation initiatives, which in turn can affect its performance. In
the case of the studied SMEs, located in Chile, a country with a small domestic economy and with an important
level of openness to international markets (Milesi et al., 2007), possibly evidence these weaknesses in terms of
the market orientation-performance relationship.
6.2 Practical Implications
The results of this study reveal implications for SMEs in terms of the relationship between supply chain
and market orientation, as well as having some implications for public policies.
In the case of SMEs, market orientation can be an important aspect to facilitate the integration into the
supply chain. Considering the difficulties of SMEs in adopting information technologies that facilitate such
Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management /
integration (Bayraktar et al., 2010) and the difficulty in understanding and benefitting from the broad proposal
of supply chain management (Arend & Wisner, 2005), the decision to strengthen market orientation can
facilitate information flows within and among firms, which finally contributes to improve firm performance.
In the public sphere, this study contributes to the definition and implementation of policies that strengthen
SMEs. Essentially, the contribution lies in generating information in terms of SMEs associated with the
adoption of strategies of integration with suppliers and customers and drawing closer to customers by means of
market orientation. In terms of supply chain integration strategies, a basic element of the process is adopting
information technologies that facilitate the flow of information among the agents. Information technologies
oriented to supply chain management and market orientation strategies can contribute to better performance of
SMEs and enhance their market competitiveness and innovation initiatives (Didonet & Díaz, 2012). As a result,
public policies that foster the adoption of information technologies among SMEs to strengthen with customers
and suppliers can be an important means to increase the competitiveness of firms, as can policies to train firms
in relation to strategies to draw closer to customers.
6.3 Research Limitations
Highlighting the contributions to this research evidences the limits of the study and the potential areas for
future research on the topic. For example, this study did not consider the effect of external variables that
possibly intervene in the relationship between market orientation and performance, as is the case of the context
of the studied firms. Following the proposal of Ellis (2007), variables such as dependence on external markets
and the diversity of markets contributes to there being a null relationship between market orientation and
performance. These aspects could be considered in future studies as a better way to understand this relationship.
Another limitation of the study is that it did not explore the inter-relationships among the dimensions of
market orientation and the impact of these on the considered variables. As the study of Tsiotsou (2010) showed,
the dimensions of MO affect performance in different ways. Future studies could explore this aspect in the
proposed relationship, which could improve understanding of the phenomenon of MO. Finally, the present study
did not consider the impacts of the relationship between market orientation and supply chain management in the
value for the client. This should be a natural consequence of the relationship (Jüttner et al., 2010), which should
be further explored in future studies.
Also, the SCI scale measures ideally ought to have been corroborated with data from supply chain partners,
since the construct is about how integrated the firm is at the supply chain level. We are not able to perform this
corroboration in this study. Thus, this is an important aspect that should be considered in future studies or in
replications of the current study.
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