Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016
Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:
Leading to traditional, “back to the future” foods
Paraskevi Christina Sakali
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of The Aegean
Myrina, Lemnos, 81400, Greece
Tel: +302254083013
Email: chrisakali@fns.aegean.gr
Dimitris Skalkos
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of The Aegean
Myrina, Lemnos, 81400, Greece
Tel: +302254083013
Email: dskalkos@aegean.gr
The agrifood sector is faced with major challenges that arise from changes in the sector’s economic and
non- economic environments, to changes in consumers’ lifestyles, from global increases in food
consumption, to diminishing production base and now days from the not stable political and economic
situation and the continuous global economic deceleration of growth. The challenges cannot be met by
any individual enterprise but it requires concerted actions and coordination of initiatives within an
effective food chain management. By utilizing basic concepts of innovation management techniques
(IMTs), and developing an innovative management (M.I.) process we have applied innovation in two
enterprises of the same traditional food chain for a three year period and evaluated the results based on
the 12 different parameters developed by the innovation radar. The results show that the applied
methodology had a major impact to the growth of both companies and the upgrade of their innovation
capacity. In terms of the impact of the methodology within the food chain itself the success is
evaluated based on the new, innovative, “BACK TO THE FUTURE” foods which were developed and
promoted in the market by these companies and their close collaboration. Thus, we have developed a
useful and valuable innovation practical tool available to managers of companies and to policy makers
which can be used effectively for local development and regional growth of the agri food sector.
Further research applying the methodology in agri food chains of other sectors such as dairy, meat etc.,
in bigger companies in the traditional and non-traditional sector is required in order to better evaluate
its validity and effectiveness.
Keywords: food supply chain, agrifood, innovation, Innovation management techniques,, back to the
future foods
Paraskevi Christina Sakali, and Dimitris Skalkos
The food supply chain involves all industries collaborating to provide final consumers with foods.
The scope of food supply chain extends from farms (farmers), as the first origins of food products, to
fork (consumer), as the last point of consumption. However, it connects the following three industries
in a supply chain context: the agriculture and farming industries as raw materials providers; the food
processing industry which transforms raw materials into finished products, and the distribution industry
which carries out the logistical responsibilities. “A supply chain is a network of materials, information
and services processing links with characteristics of supply, transformation and demand” (Chen &
Paulraj, 2004, p.132). The aim of supply chain is to resource raw materials, to transform them to final
products and then to deliver them to final costumers/consumers through distribution/ retailing channels
(Beamon, 1998). Supply chain operations in the food sector are currently under a transformation
process, namely they are switching from commodity handling activities to added value operations that
fulfil the consumerspreferences. Relationships between chain members are an important part of its
success. Supplier -buyer relationships is a big part of supply chain management. Moreover, retailers
and their initiatives played a significant role in the evolvement of supply chains in the food sector
(Bourlakis & Weightman, 2004). During the last years many structural changes happen in the retailing
sector, due to their size, multiple retailers have the role of the main gateway to consumers and also that
of the gate keeper between producers and consumers (Hingley, 2005).
The management of food supply chains has to solve specific problems (which of course are greatly
reduced by proper research during supply chain design). These are:
Inefficient Supply Chain
Low Technology Penetration
Food safety
‘Unorganized’ sector
Innovation in the food industry follows learning processes that depend on information access
which is enhanced by inter-organizational relationships. An important feature of the new economy has
been the emergence of a new focus of innovation at the level of inter-organizational collaborations, see
e.g. Omta (2002), and Pittaway et al. (2004). In the food sector, firms are highly dependent on external
sources of information for innovation. But on the other hand their access to information can be
enhanced through inter-organizational collaboration in chains and networks (Soosay et al., 2008).
Relationships between firms in a chain contribute to innovation (Soosay et al., 2008). Nowadays,
quantitative studies have considered innovation by firms grouped at particular vertical stages of chains
though have not considered relationships within the chain (e.g. Fischer et al., 2008). Relational links
have been investigated by means of case studies in a limited number of individual chains (e.g. Aramyan
et al., 2007, Soosay et al., 2008). The role of relationships among direct chain partners and in
innovation has not been pursued in previous quantitative research. We examine as a central hypothesis
that inter-firm relationships in chains positively contribute to the innovation capacity of the chain. At
the firm level, access to internal and external resources has been shown to be key to the innovation
capacity of a firm (Gellynck et al., 2007; Roy et al., 2004). However it is defined innovation capacity
as the ability or propensity to innovate. Within a chain context, innovation capacity encompasses the
entire innovation process occurring both within and among the member firms. We describe the
innovation process using two types of causal indicators of innovation capacity building and one type of
outcome indicator, namely effort, activities and results (Gellynck et al., 2007). We interpret indicators
of effort as reflecting investment in human, financial, and, information assets. We define innovation
activities as those in which effort is applied to enhance the probability or propensity for innovation.
Finally, innovation results, whether tangible or intangible, follow as an outcome of applied efforts and
activities. Tangible results include growth of market share and profit while intangible results refer to
enhancement of the firm’s stability, efficiency, and reputation (Gellynck et al., 2007). Furthermore, as
the innovation process is a dynamic process with feedback, innovation results in feedback to affect
future efforts by the firm (Soosay et al., 2008). Chain relationship quality (CRQ) between members
contributes positive to both member and chain level innovation in two ways: it contributes to expansion
of joint resources available to chain members engaged in innovation, and it enhances governance of the
joint chain resources, the innovation process, and the distribution of the benefits of collaboration. This
is in agreement with the proposition that collaboration is an alternative to vertical integration as an
organizational form to coordinate innovation.
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Some studies about innovation have been conducted. Such as the recent article related to the
Greek food chain (Bourlakis et al., 2012). These studies are focusing on different levels of analysis on
the dyadic system of supplier - customer (Omita, 2002; Roy et al., 2004), on the chain itself (Omita
2002; Soosay et al., 2008), or on the network level (Omita 2002; Roy et al., 2004). Innovation is
measured in apparently different ways and under different names. Nevertheless, although some authors
are referring to innovation generation (Roy et al., 2004), or to innovative or innovation capability, some
others apply the concept of innovation competence, or investigate continuous innovation (Soosay et al.,
2008), or refer to autonomous and system innovation, or explore successful innovations. Furthermore,
all these studies explore the relationship of factors influencing the innovativeness of food enterprises.
These factors are mainly related to features of the enterprise’s environment, such as the characteristics
of the chain network, contribution of the chain or network in terms of information source and degree of
involvement in the innovation process, and market related issues, such as stability of demand or level
of competition. However, in most of these studies the unit data collection is one focal enterprise rather
than several members of a chain or network. Furthermore, only few of these studies focus in particular,
but not exclusively, on the innovativeness of SMEs (Soosay et al., 2008). The level of research and
development (R&D) expenditures in the agrifood industry, including traditional food, is rather low
compared to total manufacturing (Barjolle and Sylvander, 2002). This is due to specific characteristics
of the industry.
Analyzing innovation in the context of the traditional food industry is a complex task due to the
strong links of the industry with the different sectors of the food chain. In many cases, food companies
rely more on suppliers for technological innovations rather than on internal efforts (Gellynck and
Molnar, 2009). For example, the industry has links with various non-food sectors such as chemicals,
food technology. Packaging, machinery are areas where high levels of innovations are achieved. More
over the sector is comprised of various subsectors with distinctive characteristics. Some of the major
subsectors include traditional fruits and vegetables, dairy products, beverages, snack foods, flour and
bakery products, confectioners, fats and oils. Even between subsectors significant differences seem to
exist in terms of innovative performance.
Traditional manufacturing SMEs are these that are participating in the food chain producing
traditional food products, used and defined according to four criteria:
1. The key production steps of a traditional food product must be performed within a limited
geographical area, which can be national, regional or local
2. The traditional food product must be authentic in it recipe (mix of ingredients), origin of raw
material, and / or production process
3. The traditional food product must have been available in traditional local use for at least 50
4. The traditional food must be part of the local gastronomic heritage
The case of traditional food products is not yet extensively analyzed from the chain perspective,
with some noteworthy exceptions (Raynaud et al., 2005; Jordana, 2000). Furthermore, there is still a
great need for research on innovations in traditional food products (Matopoulos and Bourlakis, 2011),
taking into account the rather anonymous character of tradition and innovation. Recently, the trend of
the tradition products is extremely important since their consumption is considered part of the
Mediterranean diet; they include valuable nutritional properties, and are therefore appealing to the
international market. For those reasons these products are indeed recently marketed worldwide, with a
certain success.
So far, only few studies are published that focus particularly on innovations in traditional food
products (Jordana, 2000). Innovations in the traditional food sector strengthen and widen the market for
traditional food products in accordance to the emerging problems, such as poor imitations and changing
preferences and eating patterns towards more manufactured foods and convenience (Trichopoulou,
Vasilopoulou, Georga, Soukara, & Dilis, 2006). Innovations in traditional food mainly pertain to
product innovations, such as packaging innovations and changes in product composition, product size
and form or new ways of using the product (Gellynck & Kόhne, 2008). Process innovations are less
common, given their impact on the authentic identity of the product and its production process.
Feasible applications relate to improving the production process in order to assure quality and
traceability. Finally, the implementation of market and organizational innovations can be valuable for
traditional food products but their potential is not yet realized or recognized by all chain members in
the traditional food sector (Gellynck & Kόhne, 2008). With our study we aim to investigate a three
year application of process, organizational, product and market innovation on two companies of the
same traditional food chain and evaluate the outcome results. The methodology that will be used is
based on specific management innovation technique (IMT), the “Innovation Radar” which has been
developed and used in companies in the USA (Sawhney et.al. 2006), and in Nordic countries (Andersen
Paraskevi Christina Sakali, and Dimitris Skalkos
and Wolcott, 2014) but never in companies of the food sector. The innovation radar is a new
framework which displays the 12 dimensions of business innovation anchored by the offerings a
company creates, the customers it serves, the processes it employees and the points of presence it uses
to take its offerings to market, thus helping companies with restricted view of innovation not to miss
the opportunities. Overall, our study shines light to the following two research gaps namely: the use of
the innovation radar on food companies of the traditional sector, and the effect on the innovation of the
traditional food chain measured by the product outcomes.
The case study involved two companies, part of the food chain in Lemnos’ island, namely the firm
A, and the firm B. The first one is in the traditional dairy, bakery, and confectionery subsectors of
activity, while the second is in the agricultural subsector either as producing or as trading company.
The size, the sales, and the other characteristics of these two companies A & B differ significantly
ranging from 65 to 5 employees and from 5 to 1 million euros’ sales accordingly providing thus a wide
range of business characteristics, important for the extraction of valuable conclusions on the
effectiveness of the applied management of Innovation (M.I.) method.
Company A
Firm A is a 20-year-old company operating in various subsectors of the traditional food sector.
The company owns two small manufacturing plants located in the same field, including a small dairy
plant, and a small bakery and confectionery plant. The production processes are mainly hand made in
both plants. The dairy production employees 5 workers, while the bakery confectionery production
employees 32 workers. The company covers two parts of the food chain, the manufacturing and the
distribution-retail, promoting and selling its products primarily through its own network of 10 retail
shops within the island. In the distribution process 4 workers (as drivers) are employed together with
20 salespersons. The management unit consists of 6 employees, including the two owners of the
company. Today the gross sales of the company are 5.000.000 euros, 35% of which are from the dairy
products, and 65% from the bakery and confectionery products (it was 4.000.000 euros three years
ago). The dairy products consist of three traditional local types kalathaki (the main Lemnos’ cheese
product), melichloro, and kaskavali produced exclusively in the island of Lemnos. The bakery products
include many different kinds of Greek traditional daily used products such as Greek biscuits, breads,
cookies etc. The confectionery products include Greek pies, and chocolate cakes etc. The supply of raw
materials for all products is primarily from the island and only when there is no availability part from
the rest of the Greek market. The sales of the products up to three years ago were exclusively within
the island. The company didn’t have any product with exclusive production locally or nationally at that
Three years ago, when the M.I. process was put in place the company didn’t exhibit any
innovation parameters, based on any of the 12 dimensions of the innovation radar shown in Table 1
(Sawhney et.al. 2006). However, the progress of the company during the past three years of M.I.
application is extremely successful, since it is innovating already in eight out of the 12 dimensions.
The first year of the M.I. application the company adapted a flexible, operational 5-year business plan
for its growth and development innovating thus in the dimension of organization (Org). In the middle
of the year the need for a competitive marketing plan agenda led the company to hire an external
marketing company for major changes, innovating thus in the process dimension as well (Pro).
Following these structural changes, the objective of the company, assisted by the M.I. process, for
the second year was: a) the more professional appearance of its products to the market(s), in order to be
able to “export” them outside the island, and b) the systematic efforts for the production of new,
exclusive, traditional product(s) appealing to the Greek market and elsewhere. Thus, with the
assistance of the marketer, the company changed completely its logo, and the packaging of all of its
products. The new logo was formed based on a rare, small, beautiful plant that grows in the button of
the nearby sea, which has an attractive, unique color, is extremely resistant to changes, and it is named
krinaki. With these initiatives the company innovated in the dimensions of offerings (Off). In the
middle of the second year the first transactions outside the island to delicatessen shops of the country’s
main land were completed, selling mainly cheese products, and selected bakeries. Thus the company
innovated along the customers need dimension too (C).
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Table 1: Innovation performance, based on the innovation radar, of the companies participating
in the M.I. process
Years of
Dimensions of Business Innovation
Company A
Company B
The need for radical innovation leading to the new product development, namely traditional,
exclusive product appealing to customers became from the first year of the M.I. process a necessity for
both participating companies A and B. The strategy adapted was based on the search and use of rare,
“forgotten” local raw agro-materials to be used for the production of innovative, end products. This
could be achieved by the collaboration of companies A&B, part of the same bakery food chain, and it
was implemented starting from the second year of the M.I. process with the cultivation of an old wheat,
and the production with it of an exclusive, innovative, new bread named “The Mavragani of Lemnos”.
With this initiative company A managed to innovate along with the dimensions of platform (P), supply
chain (SC), brand innovation (B) as well as networking (N) with radical innovation achievement
(product innovation) this time.
During the third year period the company managed to position its products more in the national
market, in more delicatessen stores and two major super markets, with more than 300 retail stores in
the chain. Thus, the company innovated finally at the presence dimension too (Pre).
The innovations in all the dimensions achieved continue since then with different innovative
activities yearly. The increase of sales from 4.000.000 euros to 5.000.000 euros, retaining the same
number of employees is the net result so far of the M.I. application presented above, which is extremely
significant in view of the long-term economic crisis of the Greek economy. These innovative
initiatives, indicate the dynamic the M.I. process generated into the company once it was applied
Company B
Company B is a 50 years old, very small company with 5 employees operating in the agricultural
sector, producing and trading cereals, wheat, and barley, from and to the island. Up to three years ago
the production activity was based on the cultivation of wheat, and barley using international seeds, for
local use primarily, and on the trading activity bringing animal feeds to the island. The gross sales of
the company were at 1.000.000 euros total. The level of innovation recorded at that time was extremely
low at all dimensions. However, the entrepreneur’s motivation for innovation, and the company’s
knowledge of the Greek market in terms of breeding processes, cultivation, existing seeds etc. was
extremely significant and in depth.
The very first impact of the M.I. process was the formulation of a valuable, detailed five-year
business plan with vision, strategy, and yearly actions, offering to the company the chance to innovate
at the organization dimension first (Org). In order to expand its production capacity, the company
initiated the collaboration with local farmers, via contract farming, signing agreements with them at the
beginning of the season for the cultivation and the purchase of the produced products of specific
agricultural, local products. The seeds were offered by the company in fall or spring, with the
obligation to purchase 100% of the production produced in spring summer, under the signed
agreement. With this key-alliance with the farmers the company innovated at the dimensions of
organization (Org), and solution (S), solving its long lasting problem of limited production capacity.
Based on increased market needs, the second year the company was able to move on with new
agricultural products, associated with increased production supplied by the collaborating farmers. The
Paraskevi Christina Sakali, and Dimitris Skalkos
first such expansion of activity included an exclusive agreement with company A, stated above, for the
cultivation of the Lemnos’ mavragani wheat, used by company A for the production of the
corresponding bread. This action initiated networking innovation (N) for company B. The company’s
capacity for expansion led to new directions namely to local, traditional, “forgotten” legume products
too, the production of which was ceased for more than 30 years. During the second year the company
started breeding and cultivating trails with the local legume genus Lathirus Ochrus (Lemnos’ fava) of
the family fabacae, adapting thus the dimension of brand innovation in the innovation radar progress
(B). This legume was produced in the past as cheap food consumed by the middle class citizens,
sustaining in life generations, during hard times of starvation and poverty. The initial trails were
successful leading to organized, expanded production during the third year. With these actions the
company initiated innovation in the dimensions of offerings too (Off).
The third year the Lemnos’ fava (the new, “old” legume product) was produced in large scale, and
was introduced successfully into the national market too, beyond the island territory. The market
success was based upon the unique taste of the final food, and the memories the food ignited to the old
generation of their young years when they were eating this exact food back then. This way the
company managed to innovate in two dimensions at the same time that is customers (C), and customer
experience (CE). The efforts for the promotion of products outside the island, even though at initial
stages yet, are the first step for fulfilling the dimension of presence innovation too (Pre). An increase of
200.000 euros annually is the net result compared with the sales of three years ago, and it comes from
the sales of these new products stated above.
We have recently developed a novel management of Innovation (M.I.) process which is indeed a
valuable tool for wide use in almost all the food SMEs regarding size, sector of activity, and country of
operation (Skalkos, 2012). It takes into consideration both the radical and incremental innovations, as
well as closed and open innovation forms. It is a flexible application model which can be most useful
now in the period of global and Greek crisis, as an effective tool for the survival, the sustainability, and
the future of the companies affected mostly by the economic crisis and the shrinkage of the markets.
The flexibility of the model is based on the fact that can be applied in every sector of business activity,
every kind of companies, different places and time periods once it is adjusted in theory and in practice
In this study we have tested the validity of the innovation model to the traditional food sector of
activity by adjusting it respectively, and applying it to two selected small (company A) and very small
(company B) companies for a 3-year time period. In this model the food chain from farm to fork is the
business action line which supports the overall production and business capacity. The three-year
intervention in these companies through systematic consultation resulted in significant progress on their
innovation capacity. Using the scale proposed by the innovation radar, company A succeeded to
innovate in 9, and company B in 8 out of the 12 dimensions as shown in Table 1. The radical
innovation, end result of the process, is the new product development of the Lemnos’ mavragani bread.
The increased market demand over these years has risen the flour’s production by 265%, and has
supported the increased price by 20 cents per kilo, compared with the conventional bread. The
nutritional properties found in the product, namely low level antioxidant, and antiatherogenic activities
will strengthen more the added value of the product and its long lasting appeal among the local
customers and beyond (Ableby et.al., 2014). The two companies are now designing together the
production of more innovative, nutritional bakery products with the Lemnos’ mavragani wheat which
will be exported outside the island, will satisfy customers’ needs and expectations more, and will
provide more benefits for them and the local farmers. The overall results achieved in all levels of
innovation: organizational, marketing, processing, and product prove that the M.I. research model
proposed for the traditional food sector is valid providing tangible results on related businesses and
products, within certain time period of application.
The 3-year pilot M.I application into the two selected traditional food enterprises, and the
subsequent evaluation with the innovation radar proves the validity of the proposed model and point
out to some very interesting remarks. . These are the following:
- The focus on innovation in the sector is not primarily in the single enterprise, but in the network
the enterprises embedded in. This is in fact the conclusion derived for the food and other sectors of
activities by other studies as well (Omta, 2004; Pittaway et al., 2004). Several recent studies have
indeed pointed out that enterprises in the agrifood sector are highly dependent on external sources of
information for innovation and hence have to open up their innovation process to their network (Enzing
et al.; Sarkar and Costa 2008)
Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management / Business-and-Management.org
- New product development remains the major source of innovation, radical and incremental.
Indeed, the new bread developed during the M.I. application was the major breakthrough of the overall
companies’ efforts.
- The implementation of the model, and its tangible results is not affected by the size of the
companies, the subsectors of activity, the existing management, or the profile, and the culture of the
entrepreneurs. The breakthrough of the model is based on the fact that is capable to put the companies
into the right track of innovation, leading them to the production of new, unique products, increasing
their gross sales and net profit.
- The key to successful implementation of the model lays to the experience and the proper training
of the consultant who will undertake the development and the implementation of the M.I. plan for each
company. He must have quite experience in order to be able to motivate the business structure, to
bypass the obstacles to innovation, to reveal driving forces for innovation within the company, and to
focus on the end results to be achieved. The character, the mentality, and the culture of the consultant
are significant factors too for the end success of the M.I. application as well.
- The utilization of the traditional food products as the innovative, nutritional, appealing foods of
tomorrow has not been explored up today. The reason is the low market image of these products up to
now, and the focus of the big manufacturing companies to massive, easy, low cost productions.
However, recently the value of the traditional, regional food is more and more realized due to:
a) the consumers’ change to more authentic, real, local, innovative goods, caused by social media,
and communication,
b) the new marketing (the marketing 3) which focuses on the hurt of the customer rather than its
c) the economic long lasting crisis affecting the global market.
This work shows that the development of new, regional, nutritional, neglected foods, attractive to
the market is a feasible strategic approach once every part and objective of the food chain is carefully
prepared and implemented. Food chain is a major business sector in most economies especially those
of the less developed regions (Kaditi, 2013). Therefore, the input of such an effort significantly
contributes in a realistic way to both regional economic growth and public health promotion.
As a discipline, innovation management is, as mentioned, young compared to, for example,
accountancy’s more than 500 years of history or the science lab’s 75 to 100 years. It is therefore not
surprising that in spite of the massive focus on innovation management in business, at business schools,
and in economics, it is still not executed and understood very well in many organizations. Another
factor complicating our understanding of innovation management is that the term “innovation” has no
shared meaning in the way that science or marketing have. In fact innovation has, for decades, been
seen in the context of the research; just think about how often the two are presented as research and
development or innovation (R&D) departments by organizations. But what exactly is innovation?
Although the subject has risen to the top of the CEO agenda, many companies have a mistakenly
narrow view of it. They might see innovation only as synonymous with new product development or
traditional research and development. But such myopia can lead to the systematic erosion of
competitive advantage, resulting in firms within an industry looking more similar to each other over
time. Best practices get copied, encouraged by benchmarking. Consequently, companies within an
industry tend to pursue the same customers with similar offerings, using undifferentiated capabilities
and processes. And they tend to innovate along the same dimensions. But if all firms in an industry are
seeking opportunities in the same places, they tend to come up with the same innovations. Thus,
viewing innovation too narrowly blinds companies to opportunities and leaves them vulnerable to
competitors with broader perspectives. In actuality, “business innovation’’ is far broader in scope than
product or technological innovation, as evidenced by some of the most successful companies in a wide
range of industries. Starbucks Corp., for example, got consumers to pay $4 for a cup of latte, not
because of better-tasting coffee but because the company was able to create a customer experience
referred to as “the third place” a communal meeting space between home and work where people can
unwind, chat and connect with each other
There are few reports on the innovation management techniques (I.M.T.) used to introduce
innovation into companies such as the ones reported by Bakouros and Samara (2010), Hidago and
Albors (2008), and Gupta (2011). We have recently developed and applied an I.M.T. with limited
capacity at the organizational level for very small companies (Skalkos and Bakouros, 2011). The M.I.
process which we have developed for food companies too is proven to be valid in this report based on
its 3 year application and the results stated above. Therefore, it is a useful tool for innovation
mamagers who are seeking for “on –hands” approaches and “practical tools”. Managers don’t have the
Paraskevi Christina Sakali, and Dimitris Skalkos
time to research available innovation tools or frameworks and systematically test them out as is the
case of our reported project. The CEOs of the two participating companies have learned a lot from it
and from meeting each other within the same project and such is the case with any other company and
CEO who will decide to implement it. Another important insight is the educational aspect of
introducing a new concept such as the innovation radar and business model innovation to companies
managers. Yet it provides something different, conceptual ideas that are quite literally unrealistic and
impractical, at least seemingly so in conventional terms. Managers with the application of the
proposed model can learn by suspending their disbeliefs to entertain provocative ideas that can reshape
their thinking. The proposed method turns for managers state of the art research and business concepts
into a valuable managerial experience and tools since it is designed in an way that is meaningful for all
parties involved.
Although there is still disagreement among economists and scientists about the notion of
competition between nations, that systematic application of the proposed model to companies supports
the view that company-level focused programs can change mind-sets for both innovation policies as
well as outcomes. Sound evidence on the sources of technological and non-technological innovation, is
found through firm-nalysis, which provides more details insight the country level analysis. Concerning
policy makers and innovation programs some lessons from the application of the M.I. process include:
(1) if the goal is to change the mind-set for what can be done and push boundaries, it makes sense to
start with thorough research on “what is out there and what has already been done” and (2) start with a
pilot project. Make sure that it is designed to be scaled up and make sure that the critical questions are
evaluated for later documentation.
Andersen, J.B., Wolcott, R.C. (2014) “The innovation radar and enterprise business system: Innovation
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