Research Papers: training

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
Rural and urban women entrepreneurs: A comparison of service needs and delivery methods priorities
Davis, A.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, women owned businesses, urban and rural communities, entrepreneurial training, business education, business support services, canada
2011 6 (2) 1-16 Rural and urban women entrepreneurs: A comparison of service needs and delivery methods priorities Rural and urban women entrepreneurs: A comparison of service needs and delivery methods priorities
Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development
Horak, S.
Keywords: human resource development, human resource management, training
2010 5 (2) 45-47 Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development
SMEs, electronically-mediated working and data security: cause for concern?
Clear, F.
Keywords: data security, small firms, ict adoption behaviour, electronically-mediated working, telework, security policy, security training, sector, firm size
2007 2 (2) 1-20 SMEs, electronically-mediated working and data security: cause for concern? SMEs, electronically-mediated working and data security: cause for concern?