About the Journal

ISSN 1753-0296 / Open Access

The mission of the International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management is to enhance the dissemination of knowledge across the business and management community. The key disciplines are e-business, general management, international business, strategy, marketing, supply chain management, organization studies, entrepreneurship, enterprise, innovation, and human resource management. The above list is not exhaustive and papers representing any other business and management field will be considered.


We are particularly interested in papers relevant to contemporary business and management challenges. The editorial board is keen to receive articles that address, inter alia, the following business scientific fields:

The above areas are just indicative and the editors, in principle, welcome rigorous articles that encompass any scientific business and management field.

Editorial Information


Prof Savvas Papagiannidis
Business School, Newcastle University, UK

Handling Editors

Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Business School, Newcastle University, UK

Dr Davit Marikyan
Business School, Newcastle University, UK

Editorial Board

Founding Editors: The journal was established in 2006 by Prof Savvas Papagiannidis and Prof Michael Bourlakis.

Dr Roba Abbas
School of Business, University of Wollongong, Australia

Prof Dimitris Assimakopoulos
Burgundy School of Business, France

Prof Michael Bourlakis
Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, UK

Prof Kim Bryceson
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland , Australia

Prof Nikhilesh Dholakia
Business & Management, University of Rhode Island, USA

Prof Brooke Dobni
Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Prof Yogesh K. Dwivedi
School of Management, Swansea University, UK

Prof Henry Etzkowitz
Triple Helix Institute, USA

Prof David Grant
School of Economics, Hanken University, Finland

Prof Herbert Kotzab
Crowley Center for Transportation and Logistics, University of North Florida, USA

Prof Feng Li
Bayes Business School, City University of London, UK

Prof Lynn Lim
School of Business, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

Prof Abigail Marks
Newcastle University, Business School, UK

Dr Aris Matopoulos
Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, UK

Prof T C Melewar
Business School, Middlesex University, UK

Prof Katina Michael
School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, Arizona State University, USA

Dr Eftychia Palamida
Business School, Newcastle University, UK

Prof Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki
Department of Marketing and International Business, University of Vienna, Austria

Prof Stan Paliwoda
Department of Fashion, Marketing, Tourism and Events, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Prof Steve Procter
Business School, Newcastle University, UK

Dr Eric See-To
Department of Computing and Decision Sciences, Lingnan University, HK

Dr Maree Thyne
Department of Marketing, University of Otago, New Zealand

Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Department of Social and Clinical Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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As one of the authors in International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management I was met in a very friendly and personal manner. The review process was useful, and faster than in most other journals I have been in contact with. But what impressed me most, was the prompt process of publishing the paper when it was accepted. It took less than 24 hours from I got the message of acceptance to the papers was available on web Tone Merethe Aasen, Reseach manager, NTNU Social Research AS, Norway
When I submitted a paper to the Journal of Business Science and Applied Management I was impressed by the expeditious manner in which the whole review process was undertaken and for the clarity of feedback. This led to the ultimate submission of a much stronger paper on my part, and naturally I am thankful to the reviewers for this. Now my paper is easily accessible on the journal's website. Fintan Clear, Business School, Brunel University, United Kingdom
I wish to applaud the entire editorial board of the IJBSAM on its professionalism. Our manuscript's reviews were both timely (i.e. less than one month!) and detailed supporting us in our efforts to revise and refine our research to the point that it was ready for publication. Email communication was consistently courteous and action-oriented that did not leave any room for confusion. Both the Co-ordinating and Production Editors were readily accessible for revisions, particularly in the final stages of the publication process. The timely availability of our article on the journal's website was a refreshing change from the long submission review periods we have been accustomed to in the fields of I.S. and e-Business, and coupled with the currency of the published research, IJBSAM will be one of the journals I will be considering in future submissions. Constantinos Coursaris, Michigan State University, United States
Our experience of working with the editorial team at IJBSAM has been especially positive: from the initial contact seeking advice as to the appropriateness of our research for publication to the timely and informative reviewers' comments and editorial decision, we have met with a professionalism and enthusiasm which encouraged us to produce a much stronger final version. Once accepted, our paper was published with astonishing speed. Very impressive in every respect. David Gillingwater, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
As an author of two papers published in the International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, I have been particularly happy with the short time span from initial submission to publication. Both times I have submitted a paper, the journal has managed to meet their target of providing reviews within ten weeks. On top of that, the papers get published within weeks after acceptance. This, together with the open access nature of the publication, makes the journal a very appealing forum especially for articles which deal with topical issues and have relevance to the policy and practitioner communities. Teemu Kautonen, Department of Management, University of Vaasa, Finland
The IJBSAM covers a wide-ranging set of topics in the business and management areas and publishes high quality papers based on a careful and demanding refereeing process. The review time is quite adequate and the editorial team provides an excellent and continuous support. This journal is an optimal choice for all researchers that work in the applied business and management areas and are interested in sharing their knowledge and easily getting access to other relevant studies in their research topics. Patrícia Oom do Valle, Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal
As one of the authors in International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management I was meet by a positive tone and fair and very good review process which was faster than I had experienced in other journals. Caspar Rose, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
We experienced a fast and very effective review process in which we received useful comments and suggestions to improve our article. At the same time our communication with the editor as well as the administrative backup person worked very smooth and professional. We will for sure consider the IJBSAM for future articles within the business science and management disciplines. Bernt Krohn Solvang, Department of Industrial Management, Agder University College, Norway

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