Research Papers: entrepreneurship

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
Mapping the Field of Research on Entrepreneurial Success: A Bibliometric Study and Future Research Agenda
Sardana, V. & Singhania, S.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial success, bibliometric analysis, literature review
2023 18 (2) 53-79 Mapping the Field of Research on Entrepreneurial Success: A Bibliometric Study and Future Research Agenda Mapping the Field of Research on Entrepreneurial Success: A Bibliometric Study and Future Research Agenda
Rural and urban women entrepreneurs: A comparison of service needs and delivery methods priorities
Davis, A.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, women owned businesses, urban and rural communities, entrepreneurial training, business education, business support services, canada
2011 6 (2) 1-16 Rural and urban women entrepreneurs: A comparison of service needs and delivery methods priorities Rural and urban women entrepreneurs: A comparison of service needs and delivery methods priorities
Strategic management and entrepreneurship: Friends or foes?
Kraus, S., & Kauranen, I.
Keywords: strategy, strategic management, entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized enterprises, smes, intersection
2009 4 (1) 37-50 Strategic management and entrepreneurship: Friends or foes? Strategic management and entrepreneurship: Friends or foes?
Understanding the older entrepreneur: Comparing Third Age and Prime Age entrepreneurs in Finland
Kautonen, T.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, third age, older entrepreneur, ageing, finland
2008 3 (3) 3-13 Understanding the older entrepreneur: Comparing Third Age and Prime Age entrepreneurs in Finland Understanding the older entrepreneur: Comparing Third Age and Prime Age entrepreneurs in Finland