Research Papers: innovation

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The Role of Innovation Resistance and Technology Readiness in the Adoption of QR Code Payments Among Digital Natives: A Serial Moderated Mediation Model
Ashrafi, D.M., & Easmin, R.
Keywords: qr code payment, innovation resistance, technology readiness, digital natives
2023 18 (1) 18-45 The Role of Innovation Resistance and Technology Readiness in the Adoption of QR Code Payments Among Digital Natives: A Serial Moderated Mediation Model The Role of Innovation Resistance and Technology Readiness in the Adoption of QR Code Payments Among Digital Natives: A Serial Moderated Mediation Model
Examining User Acceptance and Adoption of the Internet of Things
Lu, Y.
Keywords: internet of things, technology acceptance, diffusion of innovation, structural equation modelling
2021 16 (3) 1-17 Examining User Acceptance and Adoption of the Internet of Things Examining User Acceptance and Adoption of the Internet of Things
Complementary Adoptions and the Diffusion of Information System in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Exploratory Study
Vega, A., & Chiasson, M.
Keywords: information systems diffusion, small and medium enterprises, multiple adoption dependencies, unit of analysis, systems of innovation
2021 16 (3) 18-38 Complementary Adoptions and the Diffusion of Information System in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Exploratory Study Complementary Adoptions and the Diffusion of Information System in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Exploratory Study
The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis
Nimfa, D.T., Uzir, M.U.H., Maimako, L.N., Eneizan, B., Latiff, A.S.A.L. & Wahab, S.A.
Keywords: innovation competitive advantage, product quality, customer preference, strategic business model
2021 16 (3) 39-62 The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis
"Have a little faith": A vignette study of inter-organizational cooperation and innovation performance
Koster, F., & Bloem, D.
Keywords: innovation, inter-organizational relations, collaborative community, vignette study
2018 13 (1) 25-41
Innovation through Coopetition: An analysis of small- and medium-sized trust companies operating in the Liechtenstein financial centre
Kraus, S., Schmid, J., & Gast, J.
Keywords: coopetition, service industry, financial industry, innovation
2017 12 (1) 44-60 Innovation through Coopetition: An analysis of small- and medium-sized trust companies operating in the Liechtenstein financial centre Innovation through Coopetition: An analysis of small- and medium-sized trust companies operating in the Liechtenstein financial centre
Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional, "back to the future" foods
Sakali, P.C., & Skalkos, D.
Keywords: food supply chain, agrifood, innovation, innovation management techniques,, back to the future foods
2016 11 (2) 24-33 Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional, Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional,
Designing an AHP methodology to prioritize critical elements for product innovation: an intellectual capital perspective
Costa, R.V., & Ramos, A.P.
Keywords: intellectual capital, product innovation, analytic hierarchy process, portugal, ahp, smes
2015 10 (1) 15-34 Designing an AHP methodology to prioritize critical elements for product innovation: an intellectual capital perspective Designing an AHP methodology to prioritize critical elements for product innovation: an intellectual capital perspective
Preparing organisations for employee-driven open innovation
Amundsen, O., Aasen, T.M. Gressgard, L.J., & Hansen, K.
Keywords: open innovation, employee-driven innovation, management, involvement, role performance, organisational culture, cultural characteristics, change
2014 9 (1) 24-35 Preparing organisations for employee-driven open innovation Preparing organisations for employee-driven open innovation
Challenging the strategy paradigm within the paper packaging industry
Olander Roese, M. & Olsson, A.
Keywords: : strategic change, strategy implementation, customer orientation, innovation, paper packaging industry
2012 7 (2) 1-12 Challenging the strategy paradigm within the paper packaging industry Challenging the strategy paradigm within the paper packaging industry
Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation
Dobni, C.B.
Keywords: innovation, competitive advantage, opportunity space, strategic innovation
2010 5 (1) 48-58 Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation
Creativity in research and development environments: A practical review
Burbiel, J.
Keywords: creativity, innovation, research, development, motivation, organisational culture, brainstorming
2009 4 (2) 35-51 Creativity in research and development environments: A practical review Creativity in research and development environments: A practical review
Managing innovation as communicative processes: a case of subsea technology R&D
Aasen, T.M.B., & Johannessen, S.
Keywords: complex responsive processes, innovation management, innovation processes, subsea increased oil recovery
2009 4 (3) 22-33 Managing innovation as communicative processes: a case of subsea technology R&D Managing innovation as communicative processes: a case of subsea technology R&D
Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development
Whitehurst, F.
Keywords: innovation management, new product development
2007 2 (2) 58-59 Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development