Research Papers: market orientation

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
The Role of Supply Chain Integration in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance in SMEs
Didonet, R.S., Frega, R.J., Toaldo, M.M.A., & Diaz, G.
Keywords: market orientation, supply chain integration, performance, smes
2014 9 (2) 16-29 The Role of Supply Chain Integration in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance in SMEs The Role of Supply Chain Integration in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance in SMEs
Moving forward with service dominant logic: Exploring the strategic orientations of a service-centred view of the firm
Lamberti, L., & Paladino, A.
Keywords: service-dominant logic, strategic orientation, market orientation
2013 8 (1) 1-15 Moving forward with service dominant logic: Exploring the strategic orientations of a service-centred view of the firm Moving forward with service dominant logic: Exploring the strategic orientations of a service-centred view of the firm
Transformational leadership and job satisfaction: The mediating effects of perceptions of politics and market orientation in the Japanese context
Kimura, T.
Keywords: transformational leadership, organizational politics, market orientation, job satisfaction
2012 7 (1) 29-42 Transformational leadership and job satisfaction: The mediating effects of perceptions of politics and market orientation in the Japanese context Transformational leadership and job satisfaction: The mediating effects of perceptions of politics and market orientation in the Japanese context