Authors are invited to submit theoretical and empirical papers in all categories of business such as e-business, general management, international business, strategy, marketing, supply chain management, organization studies, entrepreneurship, enterprise, innovation and human resource management. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather an indication of the areas of concern of the journal.
We welcome paper submissions on the basis that the material has not been published elsewhere. We also aim to develop a journal that will appeal to both business and management practitioners. On that basis, papers that include practical applications to any business and management field are welcomed.
We endeavour to provide rapid and informative feedback to authors. Our objective is to obtain reviews from referees within 10 weeks of the initial paper submission. For the author guidelines and for submitting an article please click here. We are looking forward to receiving quality submissions for our forthcoming volumes. Every year we receive more than 500 papers. We only accept a small number of papers, after a rigorous double blind review process. All papers are available for free as we are an open access journal.
Schmidt, C., Kaiser, C., & Bausch, A.
Incumbent firms use corporate venture capital (CVC) as an interorganizational learning mechanism to get access to new technologies or to study and enter foreign markets. When companies adapt their product portfolios or expand their business activities geographically, strategic change takes place. Nonetheless, research still lacks an understanding of CVC's impact ...
Festing, C., & Proff, H.
Due to risks in the supply chain and the need for sustainability, among other things, concepts of de-internationalization are increasingly being considered, while at the same time the potential of growing markets motivates MNEs to continue investing in international operations despite the often large distances involved. This can lead to ...
Uphaus, P.O., & Rau, H.
Traditional, predominantly print-based, media companies with a local or regional focus have been struggling for years with the consequences of increasing digitalization and the associated rise of social media offerings. For traditional media, this means fewer readers, less circulation, decreasing advertising revenue in the context of the advertising circulation spiral ...
Chong, S., Ng, S., Basha, N.K., & Lim, X.
By integrating the Theory of Interactive Media Effects (TIME) and flow theory, this research investigates the influence of haptic imagery on users' experiences and behavioural intentions within the context of Social Commerce Applications (SCAs). This research delves into the mediating role of immersion and the intricate serial mediation dynamics involving ...
Hoang, V.T., & Dang, H.P.
This research aims to examine the effect of the characteristics of live streaming on consumers' impulsive buying behaviour. The study adopts the stimulus-organism-response theory (S-O-R), as a theoretical framework. The study used a self-administered questionnaire for data collection. The respondents were 291 viewers who had of in watching live streaming. The ...
Pareke, F.J., Suryosukmono, G., Hayadi, I., & Nasution, N.
Employees use impression tactics to create a specific self-image in the workplace, consciously or unconsciously. Such tactics have been classified into positive and negative tactics, with the former including self-promotion, ingratiation, and exemplification, and the latter including intimidation and supplication. Positive tactics generally lead to favorable outcomes, for instance, high-performance ...
Tomasi,M., & Ilankadhir, M. I.
The main focus of the study was two-fold: 1) identifying the most important online convenience factors that financial institutions should prioritize to encourage consumers to adopt mobile banking, and 2) understanding how the role of these factors differs within the context of developing countries. This presents a distinctive perspective on mobile banking ...
Rahman, M.S.
This study investigates the role of self-efficacy as a mediator in the association between distributive justice, procedural justice, and career satisfaction. By utilizing a simple random sampling technique, 440 responses were collected through a pre-tested questionnaire from employees of commercial banks in Bangladesh. The data analysis was conducted via the Partial ...