Volume 16 / Issue 2 / Pages: 64-88 / Papers in the same Issue
Developmental proactivity and professional ability as older workers' employability resources. A longitudinal study explaining career events
Roobol, C., Pruijt, H., Koster, F., & Leijten, F.R.M.
Abstract: This four-year longitudinal study examines how two facets of employability-professional ability and developmental proactivity-are linked to career events among workers ages 45 years and older. We construe employability as a personal resource that predicts a higher likelihood of experiencing positive career events and a lower likelihood of experiencing negative ones. Results reveal that developmental proactivity leads to a higher probability of internal promotion, while professional ability leads to a lower probability of salary loss, demotion, and unemployment. The findings indicate that these two facets of employability can offer critical insights for understanding the career events of older workers.
Keywords: employability, personal resources, career resources, longitudinal design, older workers
DOI: 10.69864/ijbsam.16-2.147
Type: Research Paper // Submitted: 2020-01-29 // Published: 2021-04-29
Download Citation: BibTex // PDF Downloads: 1329 // PDF Filesize: 474Kb
Open Access: © The Authors - Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
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