Volume 11 / Issue 2 / Pages: 34-46 / Papers in the same Issue

Sustainable wine supply chain and entrepreneurship. The exploitation of by-products in a waste management process

Malindretos, G., Tsiboukas, K., & Argyropoulou-Konstantaki, S.

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Abstract: The sustainability issue has been acknowledged as a universal contemporary challenge within an entirely new, unprecedented and irreversible global economic, social, cultural and physical contemporary environment. Critical role plays the interdisciplinary Supply Chain Management (SCM) and its advance to sustainable SCM and more recently to green SCM. The field of sustainability in the wine industry appears as a breeding ground for the development of multidisciplinary collaborations, as well as for the application of innovative practices in the framework of entrepreneurship, in both forward and reverse agrifood chains. In such a context, this paper studies the exploitation of the opportunities derived from the wine production and waste management, within the totally new business, economic, social and physical environment. More specifically, it presents a start-up business plan conducted by Agricultural University in collaboration with the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece; it regards a wine waste management company in the island of Crete, Greece, highlighting the transformation of challenges to opportunities for innovation to more efficient use of by-products and wastes. It is noticed that this industry has shown historically exceptional innovative capability and flexibility, for climate privileged quality products in East Mediterranean region. The conclusions and recommendations drawn in this study, provide useful insights and directions for future research that are expected to enrich the available knowhow in the wine industry which is particularly suitable for research on sustainability and in any way, must proceed to commitment for protecting the environment. The empirical case study in the island of Crete is expected to facilitate the attempts to transform the crisis to continuing sustainability performance of wine industry under contemporary world market conditions, along with potential broader managerial implications towards environmental protection and strengthening the social consensus through further future research.

Keywords: sustainability, sustainable supply chain, wine supply chain, pomace, polyphenols

DOI: 10.69864/ijbsam.11-2.120

Type: Research Paper // Published: 2017-05-07

Download Citation: BibTex // PDF Downloads: 3435 // PDF Filesize: 609Kb

Open Access: © The Authors - Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence

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