Research Papers: development

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
Contemporary CSR Model: Conceptualization, Scale Development, and Validation to Measure Consumer Perceptions
Singh, K.S.D.S., Abbasi, M.A., Abbasi, G.A., Amran, A., & Ahmed, E.R.
Keywords: contemporary csr model, scale development, consumer perceptions
2021 16 (3) 63-87 Contemporary CSR Model: Conceptualization, Scale Development, and Validation to Measure Consumer Perceptions Contemporary CSR Model: Conceptualization, Scale Development, and Validation to Measure Consumer Perceptions
Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development
Horak, S.
Keywords: human resource development, human resource management, training
2010 5 (2) 45-47 Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development
Creativity in research and development environments: A practical review
Burbiel, J.
Keywords: creativity, innovation, research, development, motivation, organisational culture, brainstorming
2009 4 (2) 35-51 Creativity in research and development environments: A practical review Creativity in research and development environments: A practical review
eBusiness Maturity and Regional Development
Beynon-Davies, P.
Keywords: ebusiness, maturity assessment, regional development
2007 2 (1) 9-20 eBusiness Maturity and Regional Development eBusiness Maturity and Regional Development
Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development
Whitehurst, F.
Keywords: innovation management, new product development
2007 2 (2) 58-59 Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development