Research Papers: innovation competitive advantage

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis
Nimfa, D.T., Uzir, M.U.H., Maimako, L.N., Eneizan, B., Latiff, A.S.A.L. & Wahab, S.A.
Keywords: innovation competitive advantage, product quality, customer preference, strategic business model
2021 16 (3) 39-62 The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis
Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation
Dobni, C.B.
Keywords: innovation, competitive advantage, opportunity space, strategic innovation
2010 5 (1) 48-58 Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation