Research Papers: strategic orientation

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
Moving forward with service dominant logic: Exploring the strategic orientations of a service-centred view of the firm
Lamberti, L., & Paladino, A.
Keywords: service-dominant logic, strategic orientation, market orientation
2013 8 (1) 1-15 Moving forward with service dominant logic: Exploring the strategic orientations of a service-centred view of the firm Moving forward with service dominant logic: Exploring the strategic orientations of a service-centred view of the firm
Challenging the strategy paradigm within the paper packaging industry
Olander Roese, M. & Olsson, A.
Keywords: : strategic change, strategy implementation, customer orientation, innovation, paper packaging industry
2012 7 (2) 1-12 Challenging the strategy paradigm within the paper packaging industry Challenging the strategy paradigm within the paper packaging industry