Research Papers: organisational context

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
(In)justice contexts and work satisfaction: The mediating role of justice perceptions
Silva, M.R., Caetano, A. & Zhou, Q.
Keywords: organisational justice, social context, justice climate, justice target, work satisfaction, mediation
2012 7 (1) 15-28 (In)justice contexts and work satisfaction: The mediating role of justice perceptions (In)justice contexts and work satisfaction: The mediating role of justice perceptions
Test of a causal Human Resource Management-Performance Linkage Model: Evidence from the Greek manufacturing sector
Katou, A.
Keywords: hrm policies, business strategies, hrm outputs, mediating model, organisational context, greek manufacturing
2011 6 (1) 16-29 Test of a causal Human Resource Management-Performance Linkage Model: Evidence from the Greek manufacturing sector Test of a causal Human Resource Management-Performance Linkage Model: Evidence from the Greek manufacturing sector