Research Papers: relations

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
Strategic Involvement without Strategic Input: An Empirical Analysis of the Practice of Public Relations in Greece
Triantafillidou, A., & Yannas, P.
Keywords: public relations, greece, industry sectors, strategic management, strategic communication, practitioners
2022 17 (2) 16-33 Strategic Involvement without Strategic Input: An Empirical Analysis of the Practice of Public Relations in Greece Strategic Involvement without Strategic Input: An Empirical Analysis of the Practice of Public Relations in Greece
"Have a little faith": A vignette study of inter-organizational cooperation and innovation performance
Koster, F., & Bloem, D.
Keywords: innovation, inter-organizational relations, collaborative community, vignette study
2018 13 (1) 25-41
Appraisal of CRM implementation as business strategy option in times of recession: The role of perceived value and benefits
Agapitou, C., Bersimis, S., Georgakellos, D.
Keywords: customer relationship management (crm), balanced scorecard, fiscal crisis, greece
2017 12 (2) 18-31 Appraisal of CRM implementation as business strategy option in times of recession: The role of perceived value and benefits Appraisal of CRM implementation as business strategy option in times of recession: The role of perceived value and benefits
The Effects of Collaboration on Logistical Performance and Transaction Costs
Vieira, J.G.V., Yoshizaki, H.T.Y., & Ho, L.L.
Keywords: supplier-retailer collaboration, collaboration, logistical performance, transaction costs, psychosocial relationship
2015 10 (1) 1-14 The Effects of Collaboration on Logistical Performance and Transaction Costs The Effects of Collaboration on Logistical Performance and Transaction Costs
A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework
Jraisat, L.E.
Keywords: supply chain management, marketing, exporter-producer relationship, information sharing
2011 6 (3) 1-14 A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework
A study of the enablers of non-sequential internationalization process among small and medium-sized firms
Osarenkhoe, A.
Keywords: non-sequential, born globals, uppsala internationalization model, transaction costs, relationships and networks
2008 3 (2) 1-20 A study of the enablers of non-sequential internationalization process among small and medium-sized firms A study of the enablers of non-sequential internationalization process among small and medium-sized firms
Research Note: Representing Identity and Relationships in Information Systems
Martin, M.
Keywords: identity, relationships, information systems
2007 2 (1) 47-51 Research Note: Representing Identity and Relationships in Information Systems Research Note: Representing Identity and Relationships in Information Systems
The potential for using information systems to enhance information flows and relationships in the intellectual property sector: The case of Kennedys Patent
Barlow, A., Duncan, P., Huntley, J., Gordon, A., & Adams, J.
Keywords: information systems, intellectual property, supply chain, information flows, relationships; e-business; e-government
2007 2 (3) 22-35 The potential for using information systems to enhance information flows and relationships in the intellectual property sector: The case of Kennedys Patent The potential for using information systems to enhance information flows and relationships in the intellectual property sector: The case of Kennedys Patent
An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations
Williamson, E.A.
Keywords: inter-organisational information systems, supply chain management, business partnership relations
2007 2 (3) 36-50 An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations
Effects of IT Maturity and Freedom of Choice regarding relations between the Service Provider and its clients
Solvang, B. K.
Keywords: it maturity, freedom of choice, relations, roles, communication, needs
2006 1 (1) 14-24 Effects of IT Maturity and Freedom of Choice regarding relations between the Service Provider and its clients Effects of IT Maturity and Freedom of Choice regarding relations between the Service Provider and its clients