Research Papers: supply chain

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Component suppliers in the commodity battle: Can digital technology in multi-tier supply chains help to transform liabilities into opportunities?
Herbst, T.D.
Keywords: multi-tier supply chain, strategy, modularity, servitization, commoditization, digitalization, knowledge-based view
2021 16 (2) 22-45 Component suppliers in the commodity battle: Can digital technology in multi-tier supply chains help to transform liabilities into opportunities? Component suppliers in the commodity battle: Can digital technology in multi-tier supply chains help to transform liabilities into opportunities?
Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes
Papagiannidis, S., Bourlakis, M., & See-To, E.
Keywords: social media, tweets, contemporary trends and themes, supply chain management, logistics
2019 14 (1) 17-34 Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes
Editorial: Supply Chain Management
Aidonis, D., & Folinas, D.
Keywords: 3rd olympus international conference on supply chains, special issue, selected papers.
2016 11 (2) 1-2 Editorial: Supply Chain Management Editorial: Supply Chain Management
Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional, "back to the future" foods
Sakali, P.C., & Skalkos, D.
Keywords: food supply chain, agrifood, innovation, innovation management techniques,, back to the future foods
2016 11 (2) 24-33 Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional, Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional,
Sustainable wine supply chain and entrepreneurship. The exploitation of by-products in a waste management process
Malindretos, G., Tsiboukas, K., & Argyropoulou-Konstantaki, S.
Keywords: sustainability, sustainable supply chain, wine supply chain, pomace, polyphenols
2016 11 (2) 34-46 Sustainable wine supply chain and entrepreneurship. The exploitation of by-products in a waste management process Sustainable wine supply chain and entrepreneurship. The exploitation of by-products in a waste management process
Simulation and assessment of agricultural biomass supply chain systems
Pavlou, D., Orfanou, A., Bochtis, D., Tamvakidis, S., & Aidonis, D.
Keywords: agricultural biomass, supply chain management, simulation model, agricultural machinery, operations management.
2016 11 (2) 47-56 Simulation and assessment of agricultural biomass supply chain systems Simulation and assessment of agricultural biomass supply chain systems
Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015
Kilubi, I., & Haasis, H.-D.
Keywords: supply chain risk management, supply chain risk(s), supply chain performance, supply chain disruption(s), systematic literature review, enabler(s), conceptual framework
2015 10 (1) 35-54 Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015 Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015
The Role of Supply Chain Integration in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance in SMEs
Didonet, R.S., Frega, R.J., Toaldo, M.M.A., & Diaz, G.
Keywords: market orientation, supply chain integration, performance, smes
2014 9 (2) 16-29 The Role of Supply Chain Integration in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance in SMEs The Role of Supply Chain Integration in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance in SMEs
Editorial: Supply Chain Management
Aidonis, D., Folinas, D., & Triantafillou, D.
Keywords: 2nd olympus international conference on supply chains, special issue, selected papers
2012 7 (3) 1-2 Editorial: Supply Chain Management Editorial: Supply Chain Management
Performance evaluation of a merge supply system with a distribution centre, two reliable suppliers, one buffer and Erlang lead times
Vidalis, M., Koukoumialos, S., Ntio, D., & Varlas, G.
Keywords: supply chain management, merge systems, performance measures, markov processes
2012 7 (3) 42-55 Performance evaluation of a merge supply system with a distribution centre, two reliable suppliers, one buffer and Erlang lead times Performance evaluation of a merge supply system with a distribution centre, two reliable suppliers, one buffer and Erlang lead times
A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework
Jraisat, L.E.
Keywords: supply chain management, marketing, exporter-producer relationship, information sharing
2011 6 (3) 1-14 A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework
Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions
Singhal, P., Agarwal, G., & Mittal, M.L.
Keywords: supply chain risk management, risk, uncertainty, literature review
2011 6 (3) 15-42 Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions
Book Review: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation
Heaslip, G.
Keywords: supply chain management, strategy, planning, operations
2008 3 (2) 49-50 Book Review: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation Book Review: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation
The potential for using information systems to enhance information flows and relationships in the intellectual property sector: The case of Kennedys Patent
Barlow, A., Duncan, P., Huntley, J., Gordon, A., & Adams, J.
Keywords: information systems, intellectual property, supply chain, information flows, relationships; e-business; e-government
2007 2 (3) 22-35 The potential for using information systems to enhance information flows and relationships in the intellectual property sector: The case of Kennedys Patent The potential for using information systems to enhance information flows and relationships in the intellectual property sector: The case of Kennedys Patent
An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations
Williamson, E.A.
Keywords: inter-organisational information systems, supply chain management, business partnership relations
2007 2 (3) 36-50 An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations