Research Papers: age

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Impression Management Tactics in the Workplace: Enhancing or Compromising the Employee Performance?
Pareke, F.J., Suryosukmono, G., Hayadi, I., & Nasution, N.
Keywords: impression management, task performance, adaptive performance, contextual performance
2024 19 (1) 60-76 Impression Management Tactics in the Workplace: Enhancing or Compromising the Employee Performance? Impression Management Tactics in the Workplace: Enhancing or Compromising the Employee Performance?
Connecting the Dots: Haptic Imagery's Sequential Impact via Serial Mediation in Social Commerce Applications
Chong, S., Ng, S., Basha, N.K., & Lim, X.
Keywords: haptic imagery, immersion, social media fatigue, continuance intention, social commerce, theory of interactive media effects, flow theory
2024 19 (2) 1-21 Connecting the Dots: Haptic Imagery's Sequential Impact via Serial Mediation in Social Commerce Applications Connecting the Dots: Haptic Imagery's Sequential Impact via Serial Mediation in Social Commerce Applications
A Study of the relationship between the Symbolic Adoption of Human Resource Information Systems', Technology Adoption factors, and Work-Related Outcomes
Srivastava, S., & Bajaj, B.
Keywords: human resource information system, symbolic adoption, work-life balance, engagement, creativity
2022 17 (1) 44-66 A Study of the relationship between the Symbolic Adoption of Human Resource Information Systems', Technology Adoption factors, and Work-Related Outcomes A Study of the relationship between the Symbolic Adoption of Human Resource Information Systems', Technology Adoption factors, and Work-Related Outcomes
Key elements in transferring knowledge of the AI implementation process for HRM in COVID-19 times: AI consultants' perspective
Tuffaha, M., Perello-Marin, M.R., & Suarez-Ruz, E.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, implementation, hr manager, employee, covid-19
2022 17 (1) 81-97 Key elements in transferring knowledge of the AI implementation process for HRM in COVID-19 times: AI consultants' perspective Key elements in transferring knowledge of the AI implementation process for HRM in COVID-19 times: AI consultants' perspective
The impact of nostalgic corporate storytelling on brand heritage: A multiple mediation model
Riskos, K., Dekoulou. P., Hatzithomas, L., & Kotzaivazoglou, I.
Keywords: storytelling, fantasies about past eras, consumers' attitudes, brand heritage
2022 17 (2) 1-15 The impact of nostalgic corporate storytelling on brand heritage: A multiple mediation model The impact of nostalgic corporate storytelling on brand heritage: A multiple mediation model
Strategic Involvement without Strategic Input: An Empirical Analysis of the Practice of Public Relations in Greece
Triantafillidou, A., & Yannas, P.
Keywords: public relations, greece, industry sectors, strategic management, strategic communication, practitioners
2022 17 (2) 16-33 Strategic Involvement without Strategic Input: An Empirical Analysis of the Practice of Public Relations in Greece Strategic Involvement without Strategic Input: An Empirical Analysis of the Practice of Public Relations in Greece
Aspects of Human Capital Management and Employee Job Performance: The Mediation Role of Employee Engagement
Desta, A.G., Tadesse, W.M., & Mulusew, W.B.
Keywords: human capital management, employee engagement, employee job performance
2022 17 (3) 31-48 Aspects of Human Capital Management and Employee Job Performance: The Mediation Role of Employee Engagement Aspects of Human Capital Management and Employee Job Performance: The Mediation Role of Employee Engagement
Antecedents and Internal Audit Quality Implications of Internal Audit Effectiveness
Singh, K.S.D., Ravindran, S., Ganesan, Y., Abbasi, G.A., & Haron, H.
Keywords: independence, objectivity, competency, internal audit effectiveness, internal audit quality, agency theory
2021 16 (2) 1-21 Antecedents and Internal Audit Quality Implications of Internal Audit Effectiveness Antecedents and Internal Audit Quality Implications of Internal Audit Effectiveness
The role of knowledge-sharing behaviour in the relationship between the knowledge creation process and employee goal orientation
Prompreing, K., & Hu, C.
Keywords: employee goal orientation, hospitality businesses, knowledge management, knowledge creation process, knowledge-sharing behaviour
2021 16 (2) 46-63 The role of knowledge-sharing behaviour in the relationship between the knowledge creation process and employee goal orientation The role of knowledge-sharing behaviour in the relationship between the knowledge creation process and employee goal orientation
The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis
Nimfa, D.T., Uzir, M.U.H., Maimako, L.N., Eneizan, B., Latiff, A.S.A.L. & Wahab, S.A.
Keywords: innovation competitive advantage, product quality, customer preference, strategic business model
2021 16 (3) 39-62 The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis The Impact of Innovation Competitive Advantage on Product Quality for Sustainable Growth among SMEs: An Empirical Analysis
The relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee engagement - A social exchange perspective
Memon, K.R., Ghani, B., & Khalid, S.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, employee engagement, trust, social exchange theory, leader-member-exchange
2020 15 (1) 1-16 The relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee engagement - A social exchange perspective The relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee engagement - A social exchange perspective
Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes
Papagiannidis, S., Bourlakis, M., & See-To, E.
Keywords: social media, tweets, contemporary trends and themes, supply chain management, logistics
2019 14 (1) 17-34 Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes
Value-based management in banking: The effects on shareholder returns
Schmaltz, C., Lueg, R., Agerholm, J., & Wittrup, K.
Keywords: value-based management, banks, total shareholder return, value drivers
2019 14 (1) 35-50 Value-based management in banking: The effects on shareholder returns Value-based management in banking: The effects on shareholder returns
MHR. Providing a New Perspective in HR in terms of Crisis Management
Nizamidou, C., & Vouzas, F.
Keywords: crisis management, human resource management, new, role, strategic
2018 13 (1) 15-25 MHR. Providing a New Perspective in HR in terms of Crisis Management MHR. Providing a New Perspective in HR in terms of Crisis Management
Appraisal of CRM implementation as business strategy option in times of recession: The role of perceived value and benefits
Agapitou, C., Bersimis, S., Georgakellos, D.
Keywords: customer relationship management (crm), balanced scorecard, fiscal crisis, greece
2017 12 (2) 18-31 Appraisal of CRM implementation as business strategy option in times of recession: The role of perceived value and benefits Appraisal of CRM implementation as business strategy option in times of recession: The role of perceived value and benefits
Can age make a difference? A moderated model of altruistic organizational citizenship behaviour antecedents
Profili, S., Sammarra, A., & Innocenti, L.
Keywords: altruistic organization citizenship behaviour, age, fun at work, work-life balance, perceived supervisor support
2016 11 (1) 18-31 Can age make a difference? A moderated model of altruistic organizational citizenship behaviour antecedents Can age make a difference? A moderated model of altruistic organizational citizenship behaviour antecedents
Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional, "back to the future" foods
Sakali, P.C., & Skalkos, D.
Keywords: food supply chain, agrifood, innovation, innovation management techniques,, back to the future foods
2016 11 (2) 24-33 Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional, Innovative Agrifood Supply Chain Network:Leading to traditional,
Simulation and assessment of agricultural biomass supply chain systems
Pavlou, D., Orfanou, A., Bochtis, D., Tamvakidis, S., & Aidonis, D.
Keywords: agricultural biomass, supply chain management, simulation model, agricultural machinery, operations management.
2016 11 (2) 47-56 Simulation and assessment of agricultural biomass supply chain systems Simulation and assessment of agricultural biomass supply chain systems
Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015
Kilubi, I., & Haasis, H.-D.
Keywords: supply chain risk management, supply chain risk(s), supply chain performance, supply chain disruption(s), systematic literature review, enabler(s), conceptual framework
2015 10 (1) 35-54 Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015 Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015
Context Specific Complexity Management - A recommendation model for optimal corporate complexity
Schott, P., Horstmann, F., & Bodendorf, F.
Keywords: complexity management, recommendation model, complexity drivers, law of requisite variety, scoring algorithm
2015 10 (2) 32-46 Context Specific Complexity Management - A recommendation model for optimal corporate complexity Context Specific Complexity Management - A recommendation model for optimal corporate complexity
Preparing organisations for employee-driven open innovation
Amundsen, O., Aasen, T.M. Gressgard, L.J., & Hansen, K.
Keywords: open innovation, employee-driven innovation, management, involvement, role performance, organisational culture, cultural characteristics, change
2014 9 (1) 24-35 Preparing organisations for employee-driven open innovation Preparing organisations for employee-driven open innovation
Does Board Diversity Really Matter? Gender does not, but citizenship does
Rose, C., Munch-Madsen, P., & Funch, M.
Keywords: corporate governance, board diversity, gender, citizenship as well as international management
2013 8 (1) 16-27 Does Board Diversity Really Matter? Gender does not, but citizenship does Does Board Diversity Really Matter? Gender does not, but citizenship does
The retail store managers' role: Evidence from Greece
Zairis, A.
Keywords: store managers, retail, role, greece, job satisfaction
2013 8 (1) 28-40 The retail store managers' role: Evidence from Greece The retail store managers' role: Evidence from Greece
Individual perception of different stimuli: Implications for managers
Santos- Alvarez, M.A., Garcia-Merino, M.T., Vallelado-Gonzalez, E.
Keywords: managerial perception, stimulus, structure, strength, cognitive profile
2012 7 (1) 1-14 Individual perception of different stimuli: Implications for managers Individual perception of different stimuli: Implications for managers
Differences on the image of Brazil in external markets according to consumers' age, gender, knowledge about the country and country of residence
Guina, F. & Giraldi, J.
Keywords: country image, brazilian products, european market
2012 7 (2) 13-28 Differences on the image of Brazil in external markets according to consumers' age, gender, knowledge about the country and country of residence Differences on the image of Brazil in external markets according to consumers' age, gender, knowledge about the country and country of residence
Measuring burnout and work engagement: Factor structure, invariance, and latent mean differences across Greece and the Netherlands
Xanthopoulou, D., Bakker, A.B., Kantas, A., & Demerouti, E.
Keywords: burnout, cross-national study, factor structure, invariance, latent mean differences, work engagement
2012 7 (2) 40-52 Measuring burnout and work engagement: Factor structure, invariance, and latent mean differences across Greece and the Netherlands Measuring burnout and work engagement: Factor structure, invariance, and latent mean differences across Greece and the Netherlands
Managing change in performance measures - An inter-company case study approach
Salloum, M., & Cedergren, S.
Keywords: performance measurement, performance measurement systems, performance management
2012 7 (2) 53-66 Managing change in performance measures - An inter-company case study approach Managing change in performance measures - An inter-company case study approach
Remanufacturing lot-sizing under alternative perceptions of returned units' quality
Zikopoulos, C.
Keywords: logistics policies, quality of returns, inventory management, stochastic lead-time
2012 7 (3) 12-22 Remanufacturing lot-sizing under alternative perceptions of returned units' quality Remanufacturing lot-sizing under alternative perceptions of returned units' quality
Two mathematical formulations for the containers drayage problem with time windows
Vidovic, M., Nikolic, M., & Popovic, D.
Keywords: containers drayage, pickup delivery, vehicle routing problems with tw
2012 7 (3) 23-32 Two mathematical formulations for the containers drayage problem with time windows Two mathematical formulations for the containers drayage problem with time windows
Performance evaluation of a merge supply system with a distribution centre, two reliable suppliers, one buffer and Erlang lead times
Vidalis, M., Koukoumialos, S., Ntio, D., & Varlas, G.
Keywords: supply chain management, merge systems, performance measures, markov processes
2012 7 (3) 42-55 Performance evaluation of a merge supply system with a distribution centre, two reliable suppliers, one buffer and Erlang lead times Performance evaluation of a merge supply system with a distribution centre, two reliable suppliers, one buffer and Erlang lead times
Book Review: The Dynamics of Strategy: Mastering Strategic Landscapes of the Firm
Jha, P.
Keywords: competitive landscape, organizational landscape, network models, agent behaviour
2011 6 (1) 70-79 Book Review: The Dynamics of Strategy: Mastering Strategic Landscapes of the Firm Book Review: The Dynamics of Strategy: Mastering Strategic Landscapes of the Firm
Book Review: Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Business Continuance, Technologies for Reliable and Scalable Operations
Alshamaila, Y.
Keywords: business continuance, enterprise information systems (eis), risk and disaster management, it research and theory, it policy and governing
2011 6 (2) 55-57 Book Review: Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Business Continuance, Technologies for Reliable and Scalable Operations Book Review: Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Business Continuance, Technologies for Reliable and Scalable Operations
A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework
Jraisat, L.E.
Keywords: supply chain management, marketing, exporter-producer relationship, information sharing
2011 6 (3) 1-14 A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework A Perspective for Supply Chain Management: Building a Conceptual Framework
Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions
Singhal, P., Agarwal, G., & Mittal, M.L.
Keywords: supply chain risk management, risk, uncertainty, literature review
2011 6 (3) 15-42 Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions
Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation
Dobni, C.B.
Keywords: innovation, competitive advantage, opportunity space, strategic innovation
2010 5 (1) 48-58 Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation Achieving synergy between strategy and innovation: The key to value creation
The effects of message strategy and execution framework on teenage boy's processing of print advertisements in India
Chattopadhyay, T.
Keywords: print advertising, information processing, message strategy, execution framework, teenage boys
2010 5 (2) 17-28 The effects of message strategy and execution framework on teenage boy's processing of print advertisements in India The effects of message strategy and execution framework on teenage boy's processing of print advertisements in India
Book Review: Marketing: Real people, Real choices
El-Gohary, H.
Keywords: marketing, marketing management, real marketing
2010 5 (2) 43-44 Book Review: Marketing: Real people, Real choices Book Review: Marketing: Real people, Real choices
Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development
Horak, S.
Keywords: human resource development, human resource management, training
2010 5 (2) 45-47 Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development Book Review: Critical Human Resource Development
Book Review: Information Systems Management In Practice
Hay-Gibson, N.
Keywords: information systems, is management, knowledge management
2010 5 (3) 43-44 Book Review: Information Systems Management In Practice Book Review: Information Systems Management In Practice
Strategic management and entrepreneurship: Friends or foes?
Kraus, S., & Kauranen, I.
Keywords: strategy, strategic management, entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized enterprises, smes, intersection
2009 4 (1) 37-50 Strategic management and entrepreneurship: Friends or foes? Strategic management and entrepreneurship: Friends or foes?
Book Review: Exploring Corporate Strategy: Texts and Cases
Koufopoulos, D.N. & Spinelli, G.
Keywords: strategic management, corporate and business strategies
2009 4 (1) 51-52 Book Review: Exploring Corporate Strategy: Texts and Cases Book Review: Exploring Corporate Strategy: Texts and Cases
Developing global competitiveness by assessing organized retail productivity using data envelopment analysis
Agarwal, R., & Mehrotra, A.
Keywords: global competitive advantage, organized retail, data envelopment analysis (dea), performance determinants, performance indicators
2009 4 (2) 1-16 Developing global competitiveness by assessing organized retail productivity using data envelopment analysis Developing global competitiveness by assessing organized retail productivity using data envelopment analysis
Managing innovation as communicative processes: a case of subsea technology R&D
Aasen, T.M.B., & Johannessen, S.
Keywords: complex responsive processes, innovation management, innovation processes, subsea increased oil recovery
2009 4 (3) 22-33 Managing innovation as communicative processes: a case of subsea technology R&D Managing innovation as communicative processes: a case of subsea technology R&D
Book Review: International business in Korea-The evolution of the market in the globalisation era
Horak, S.
Keywords: korea, business environment, business operations, management
2009 4 (3) 53-55 Book Review: International business in Korea-The evolution of the market in the globalisation era Book Review: International business in Korea-The evolution of the market in the globalisation era
Customer complaints as a source of customer-focused process improvement: A constructive case study
Uusitalo, K., Hakala, H., & Kautonen, T.
Keywords: customer orientation, process improvement, customer complaints, complaint management, operations management, constructive method
2008 3 (1) 1-13 Customer complaints as a source of customer-focused process improvement: A constructive case study Customer complaints as a source of customer-focused process improvement: A constructive case study
Book Review: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation
Heaslip, G.
Keywords: supply chain management, strategy, planning, operations
2008 3 (2) 49-50 Book Review: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation Book Review: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation
Understanding the older entrepreneur: Comparing Third Age and Prime Age entrepreneurs in Finland
Kautonen, T.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, third age, older entrepreneur, ageing, finland
2008 3 (3) 3-13 Understanding the older entrepreneur: Comparing Third Age and Prime Age entrepreneurs in Finland Understanding the older entrepreneur: Comparing Third Age and Prime Age entrepreneurs in Finland
Turnover and heterogeneity in top management networks - A demographic analysis of two Swedish business groups
Collin, S. & Umans, T.
Keywords: top management networks, turnover, heterogeneity, business groups
2008 3 (3) 31-55 Turnover and heterogeneity in top management networks - A demographic analysis of two Swedish business groups Turnover and heterogeneity in top management networks - A demographic analysis of two Swedish business groups
Book Review: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases
Tsinopoulos, C.D.
Keywords: strategic management, competitive advantage, cases
2008 3 (3) 56-58 Book Review: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases Book Review: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases
Editorial: IJBSAM: The first steps
Bourlakis, M.
Keywords: international journal of business science and applied management
2008 3 (3) 1-2 Editorial: IJBSAM: The first steps Editorial: IJBSAM: The first steps
TQM and firms performance: An EFQM excellence model research based survey
Santos-Vijande, M.L., & Alvarez-Gonzalez, L.I.
Keywords: total quality management, business performance, competitive advantage, efqm excellence model, spain
2007 2 (2) 21-41 TQM and firms performance: An EFQM excellence model research based survey TQM and firms performance: An EFQM excellence model research based survey
Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development
Whitehurst, F.
Keywords: innovation management, new product development
2007 2 (2) 58-59 Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development Book Review: Innovation Management and New Product Development
Editorial: E-Business and Information Systems Research - Towards a common research agenda
Li, F.
Keywords: e-business, information systems, research agenda
2007 2 (3) 1-3 Editorial: E-Business and Information Systems Research - Towards a common research agenda Editorial: E-Business and Information Systems Research - Towards a common research agenda
An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations
Williamson, E.A.
Keywords: inter-organisational information systems, supply chain management, business partnership relations
2007 2 (3) 36-50 An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations An evaluation of inter-organisational information systems development on business partnership relations
Book Review: Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspective
Maniatopoulos, G.
Keywords: organisation theory, management
2006 1 (1) 45-46 Book Review: Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspective Book Review: Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspective